"Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawnmower?" Dean asked.

"How did you know that?" She asked, looking at him.

"Lucky guess."

"Ma'am, what's your name?" Sam asked, trying to make her feel like she could trust you guys.

"Molly. Molly Mcnamara." You looked at Sam and Dean who exchanged looks with each other.

"I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Sam said.

"I can't. I have to find David. He might have gone back to the car."

"We should get you somewhere safe first. Then Dean, Y/N, and I will come back. We'll look for your husband." Sam aid, using his sensitive side and big hazel eyes to get her to go with them.

"No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car, please?" Molly said, not trusting Sam.

"Of course, come on." Sam said. You and the Winchesters drove to the crash site, parking on the road above the grounds. You got out and followed her down the hill, not seeing a car anywhere. But there wouldn't be a car here since there wasn't a crash to begin with. That crash happened 15 years ago.

"I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. We hit that tree right here. This.... This doesn't make any sense." She said, walking away and out of earshot for you and the Winchesters.

"We have to get her out of here. Greeley could show up any minute." Sam said.

"What are we going to tell her?" Dean asked, looking at Sam.

"I don't know, the truth?"

"Sam, she's not going to believe us. She's going to run away from us and we will have lost our chance with her. I say we take down Greeley and then deal with her." You whispered, seeing her walk back.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree. I don't know who could've taken it. It was totaled. Please. You have to believe me." She begged.

"Molly, listen, we do believe you. But that's why we want to get you out of here." Sam said, trying to persuade her.

"What about David? Something must have happened. I have to get to the cops."

"Cops... that's a great idea. We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us. It's the best way we can help you and your husband." Dean said.

"Okay." She sighed, following you and the Winchesters back to the car, getting in the backseat with you.

"Molly, it's going to be okay. We're going to find your husband and he's going to be alright and so are you." You said, trying to comfort the spirit.

"Thank you." She said with a soft smile.

"So, tell us about you. What were you doing on this road, anyhow?" You asked.

"David and I were supposed to be in Lake Tahoe. It's our five-year anniversary."

"A hell of an anniversary." Dean commented.

"Right before, we were having the dumbest fight. It was the only time we ever really argued... when we were stuck in the car." She said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I know how that goes." Sam said with a light laugh. Dean scowled at him and he lost the smile, looking at Molly again.

"You know the last thing I said to him? I called him a jerk. Oh, god. What if that's the last thing I said to him?" Molly said, getting tears.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. We're going to find your husband. I promise you." You said, hating the fact that she didn't know. She was stuck in this time loop and she didn't even know it. As Dean was driving, the radio started making weird noises then suddenly House Of The Rising Sun by The Animals started playing. Dean and Sam frowned, looking at the radio.

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