Face To Face

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I never realized how peaceful silence was. When I was younger, I used to hate the silence. I'd always have to click my tounge or exhale sharply just to fill the silence. But silence was nice for me right now. I was just walking. Trying to find my way. I was grateful for the silence.

I could feel the wind on my skin, gently raising the hairs on my arms. The sounds of cars passing by made everything feel normal. The sun wasn't too bright for my eyes. Everything was perfect. I could just taste the excitement of finding my mom. I wondered what she was like.

What did she look like? How did she act? Was she a good mom? Did she neglect us? Did she abuse drugs? Party a lot? Smoke too much? I made a turn down a street, only to want to turn around.

A group of girl vamps were giggling.

Before I could make my body do what I wanted it to do, Molly spotted me. A smile played on her lips and the rest faced me. I felt my face flush with fear as all the pain rushed into my thoughts. I could feel the tears creep up, wanting to spill over. But crying would show weakness, and I couldn't show weakness in front of the one who made me weak.

"Come here, Kate," she smiled. "Meet my friends."

How did she know my name?

"I-- I'm kinda busy..."

"Oh, come on," she fake pouted. "Don't be shy. We're all friends here."

Apart of me wanted to punch her for acting like I was still pure. The other part wanted to break. Snap. I wanted someone here to protect me. But that was my problem. There was always someone protecting me--I never fought alone. I never fought for myself. So I walked up to her.

"Girls, this is Kate," Molly wrapped her arm around me.

I shrugged it off and slapped her face. "Don't. Touch. Me."

She seemed shocked, but quickly recovered.

"Molly is just friendly that way," one of her friends smiled. She looked like she was thirteen, fourteen. Still so naive. The vamp history is long. I didn't remember too much of it. All I really knew is that vamps were pretty much clueless at their early teens. It's complicated.

"Girls, could you give us a minute?" Molly asked.

"No," I snapped. "I'm not being alone with you."

She sighed and went to my ear. "Shut up. You're such a wimp."

Game on, bitch!

I looked at her friends and nodded and they left. Molly faced me and gripped my shoulders. "Why are you making such a scene?"

I tried to yank my arms free, but she just tightened her grip. "Because you made me."

"You're so..." she sighed. "Different."

"Let me go, vamp," I snapped.

"Love to," she smiled evily. She tiled my head to the side, exposing my neck, but I punched her stomach. She gripped my hair and I bit her left arm. She knocked me to the floor, set her knees on my arms, and moving my hair from my neck with her hands.

I kicked her back, which only made her fall onto me. She kissed my neck, before sinking her fangs into my neck. She stood and I tried not to scream. Getting bit by a vamp hurts like hell! I went numb as my aching body spazzed everywhere. I tried to yell for help, but I choked on my spit.

"Molly, what'd you do?!" that same girl yelled.

"She needs to be one of us," Molly said.

"No. I can tell from the cloak, she's a sorceress," she said.

That was when the idea hit me. I could reverse this with my magic. I tried to clear my head--tried to forget the pain. I tried breathing regularly, but it didn't help much. I opened my eyes and stared at the clouds above me. My body slowly became still as the magic whirled through me--extracting the venom.

I stood and threw a forcefield at Molly. She went airborn and fell on her face. I smirked and folded my arms. She charged at me, but I sent ball of blue magic--one of the most fatal--at her and she fell to the ground. The young little naive vamp looked at me with scared eyes.

"I'm sorry," I sighed realizing the fear. "I know she was your friend."

She shook her head. "Thank you."

I raised my eyebrows. "Huh?"

She held her hands together and looked down. "She's mean."

"Did she hurt you?" I asked her.

"I have to go," she said turning away.

"Wait," I placed my hand gently on her shoulder. "What did she do?"

She let her eyes drop. "I don't wanna talk about it."

I sighed and hugged her. She didn't have to talk about it--I knew what happened. I wasn't Molly's only victim. That was when I knew I had to tell people. People kept things like this bottled up for years. And things never got resolved. I had to do something.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to go," I sighed walking away.


I couldn't believe Molly. She hurt someone so innocent and young! I tried not to think about it. I was here to find my mom. I continued my walk and bumped into a young woman. I kept walking past her, without saying anything. This place was crowded--apparently people liked walking to places in the middle of the day.

A hand wrapped around my arm and I looked up to find that young woman again.

"I'm sorry I bumped into you," I said.

"No, it's not... Do I know you?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Doubt it."

"You just remind me of someone... It's probably nothing," she tried to fake smile. I knew she knew something. Or suspected at least.

Was she my mom?

"Are you a wizard?" I asked.

"Yes," she nodded, searching my eyes.

"Do you have kids?" I asked her.

"Two. My husband is a sorcerer," she said.

"I know this is gonna sound insane but... I think you're my mom," I smiled.

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