My Secret

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My Secret

I walked in the school and there he was, smiling that same smile. I took his hand, got on my tiptoes, and kissed him. Nathan and I had been together for two months now. I could still remember the day we got together.

*Start of Flashback*

I was in class when a strip of paper landed in my hair. I unwrapped it, trying to figure out who threw it. Then I saw Nathan smiling at me and gesturing me to read the strip of paper. It said: Meet me after class I nodded at him and waited for class to end. When it did, I went up to him.

"I like you," he said.

"I like you, too," I smiled.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked.

I was in complete shock, but said, "Yes."

*End of Flashback*

"How are you today?" he smiled.

"Good," I said. "You?"

"Perfect now that you're here," he said.

I laughed and we walked around before school started. We went to our usual spot--a long hallway by the water fountains--and sat down. He moved some of my light brown hair from my face and--without thinking--batted my eyes at him.

"So I was thinking... We should run away together--after high school," Nathan said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Run away? Why?"

" it's... how do I put this...? If we leave, we won't have to worry about anyone or anything. We can just live perfect lives."

"But we are living perfect lives," I said.

"Just a thought," he said.

"Well, you need to stop thinking and start kissing," I smiled, kissing him. We always made out before school started. We were perfect for each other. Nathan had those occasional "let's run away" thoughts, but they never made any sense to me. His hand went to the back of my head, and he pressed himself closer to me--as if that were possible.

The bell rang, but we ignored it. After about five minutes, I tried to breathe right and grabbed my bag. "We need to go."

He exhaled and laughed. "Okay."

He had to help me up. We walked to my class--we didn't have all classes together--and he kissed me bye before leaving. I walked in and took my seat, while trying to regain my breath. I could never breathe right around him. And if you saw him, you'd understand. I looked around and this girl was looking at me weird--like she was mad at me. I brushed it off and looked at my desk. Then I saw a hand in front of me. I looked up and it was that same girl.

"Why are you dating Nathan?" she sneered.

"Can I help you?" I laughed.

"Dump Nathan," she said.

I stood. "Look. I don't know what your problem is, but Nathan and I started dating two months ago. You're very late. So get over it."

"The two month mark is when things go bad, my dear Kate," she snickered.

"How do you know my name when I fail to remember yours?" I asked.

She ignored my question. "After two months with a girl, he says things like, 'we should run away' and whatnot. But that's because he wants you to get all happy about it, before crushing you by dating another girl behind your back," she said.

"Nathan wouldn't cheat on me," I said.

"That's what I thought," she said.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Gwen," she sighed.

I nodded and sat back down. Nathan wouldn't cheat on me. Gwen obviously had a jealousy issue or something. I tossed all the info in this tiny box and locked it. I kept the key, though, just in case I was just being delusional and Gwen was right. But I hid the key under the box in the back of my mind. I wasn't going to stress over a rumor.

As the day went on, I didn't think about that box. I had other things to worry about. I didn't live in a normal world. No one was fully human here. There were witches, worlocks, werewolves, few vamps, and then sorcerers and soceresses. I am a sorceress. I was the only one left of my family.

Sorceresses don't get the luxury of knowing their true family until they reach the highest level or sorcery. Important. I was just a Regular. I haven't told anyone what I was, because I didn't want to be a sorceress. I wanted to know my family. I wanted to know if I had parents or siblings. Cousins, nieces, grandparents... People I've never met, and I'd have to wait for.

The levels were Regular, Trainer, Mentor, and Important. Depending on how well you handled your magic, determined how quickly you get to be Important. Nathan walked up to me and I smiled. I felt so guilty for keeping this secret from him. He told me what he was. He was a worlock.

"Hey, I can't hang after school today," he said sadly. "I have training."

I nodded. "Okay. Another time. See you tomorrow."

"Okay," he said hugging me and giving me a quick peck before catching up with his fellow worlocks.

"I'm here, Master," I aaid in a monotone voice.

"Katlyn, so glad you could join us," he smiled.

I nodded.

"Why don't you use your powers to show us what's going on in the woods in the crystal ball?" he asked.

I nodded as I stepped closer to the crystal ball. I closed my eyes and focused. The more I concentrated, I could feel the sparks of the electric ball forming. I grazed my hands over the crystal ball and opened my eyes. There was nothing going on--all that appeared were trees.

"Well done," Master nodded.

"Thank you, Master," I said stepping back.

As the other sorcerers and sorceresses did as Master told them, I stood there and watched them. Their concentration faces, the delicacy of their hand movement. All of which everyone was really good with. Crystal ball was easy. Master said that our next main challenge would be tomorrow.

After everyone finished, Master said, "Excellent progress. Now, for the challenge, you will be in pairs. On each of your doors, I have posted a name. That name is your partner. If you do not like that person, you'll have to make amends. You are dismissed."

I walked to my door that lead to my room and the name that was written shocked me. Darnellel.

I barely knew Darnellel. I barely knew anyone, really. I kept to myself in this life. What I knew about Darnellel was this: He was five foot nine, he had tanned skin, light brown hair, topaz eyes, and he was a Regular. He seemed like a nice guy, but I didn't know enough about him to make that a fact.

Given that he was my partner, I wondered what he thought of me being his partner. Would he be okay with it? Did he know just as little about me as I did about him? All the questions I wanted to ask, but couldn't. I entered my room and looked out my window. The sun was beginning to set. I went to my dresser, grabbed some clothes, and took a shower. When I finished, I made myself completely dry--hair included--and laid in my bed, curious for what tomorrow would bring.


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