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Not much, I know, but I wanted to show you what happens with Nathan. Haha.


Erica and I walked out to find Nathan standing there. He looked at us and sighed. I could feel my blood boiling. I wanted to punch him, kick him... I wanted him gone. He lied to me. I hated seeing him. His prescence made me mad and safe at the same time. I wish he hadn't cheated on me.

All the times he asked to run away with me, I'd actually considered it. Sure, they were crazy thoughts, but I loved him. I used to love him anyway. Gwen was right. I wished I had her number so she could rub it in my face. I waited for him to say something. And when he didn't, Erica did.

"What do you want?" she snapped.

"I... Kate--"

"No," I shook my head. "Don't even try. You broke our hearts, and you want us to leap into your arms?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying--"

"Get out of here," I breathed and turned around.

"Wait!" he called.

"Kate, what's going on?" Issac looked at me.

"Get rid of him," I whispered.

"Why?" he asked.

"He's a cheater," I sighed.

Issac glared at Nathan and lunged. I didn't realize he was going to hurt him. Nathan sent a magic ball to Issac and Issac doged it, sending it far away.

"I'm not here for Kate!" Nathan finally said.

Everyone stopped moving.

"I came to talk to Erica," he said.

"Why?" Erica snapped.

"Because I miss you," Nathan reached out to hold her hand, but she stepped back.

"No, Nathan," she spat.

"Why not?" he asked.

She scoffed. "You were cheating on me, and you want me to go back to you?! Are you mental?!"

I could hear the hurt in her voice. I knew she wanted to go back to him, but with all that happened, she didn't trust him enough. Of course, neither did I. I wanted Nathan to leave. But I also wanted to make sure he didn't hurt another girl ever agian.

"Erica, I love you," Nathan whispered.

"Bull!" she yelled, tears streaking her cheeks.

"It's true," he nodded.

"No!" Erica shook her head and stomped off.

Before, I had no idea what revvenge to use on Nathan. But I did now. I smiled at Nathan and walked up to him and grabbed his collar. This boy was stupid enough to wear a button-up shirt that buttoned to his neck. I started to button his shirt up,while playing my smile.

"You know," I chuckled. "If you're not happy in a relationship, all you have to do is leave."

"What are you--?"

"Shh," I giggled innocently.

"Kate, you're scaring me," he said trying to back up, but I held onto his shirt.

I was almost done when I heard him gag.

"Can't--breathe--" he choked.

"Really? Aw, that's too bad," I laughed.

"Kate--" he held onto the buttons.

I stepped back and watched him. He was desperately trying to unbutton his shirt. What he didn't realize, was that sorceresses over-ruled worlocks. So whenever we did something with intent, we got our way. Issac looked at me and I shrugged innocently. I left Nathan standing there, struggling, and went to Erica.

I walked in and she was laying face down on my bed, sobbing. Her back was going up and down quickly. I wanted to cry, too, but not in front of Erica. I would cry myself to sleep--like I originally did anyway. I sat next to her and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.

I knew her pain. We were both played. So, I just tried talking to her. "I know how much it hurts. You look how I feel. But we'll find someone better than Nathan. Nathan isn't the only guy out there."

She sat up and looked at me. "You don't understand," she said, her mascara running. "Nathan is the only one who accepted me. No one else will! I'm the only human in the state!"

"What about your family?" I asked.

"They left me here! That's why I was fighting those wolves!" she yelled, tears spilling over again.

"I didn't know..." I whispered.

"No guy wants a human," she looked down.

"Oh, come on," I looked at her. "The right guy will love you no matter what you are."

She looked at me. "When I left, what did you do to Nathan?"

"Buttoned his shirt up to his neck. So he is either still choking, or he's dead," I said.

"Good," she said and plopped face down on my bed again.

"I really wish this didn't happen," I sighed.

"That makes two of us," she muttered. "I'm gonna go see if there's a vaccant room."

"Why? I don't mind sharing a room with you," I said.

"You sure?" she asked.

I nodded smiling.


That night, I waited until Erica fell asleep. We'd talked all night about pervious boyfriends and who we each liked. Considering Darnellel and I were a thing, that was easy to talk about. She insisted that she didn't like anyone, but whenever she said that, her voice got quiet and kinda high.

I laid on the floor, giving Erica the bed. She didn't know I was on the floor. Was this what Harvey meant? Was this the sacrafice we had to make? I had no clue, but if it was, I was going to hurt Harvey and get out of here. As I laid on the floor, I finally cried myself to sleep quietly.


What do ya think?!?!! Haha.

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