101: Don't Do It (Again)

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"Is that enough of a wedding present for you, Mrs. Oh?" Sangwoo's wicked smile turned towards you as sent the text on a cell phone that wasn't his. "I'm so glad you expedited the process. How did you have his number?"

"I have my own evil little reasons, Mr. Oh." You smiled back. "But whose cell phone is that?"

"Another kiss! I need it!" He leaned in, tracing your jaw. "You were so good the first time."

Blushing, you giggled and closed your eyes, waiting for the pleasant sensation.

Warmth. Tingling. Pressure.

And then it was over.

"I could do that forever." Sangwoo mumbled, looking into your eyes.

"You're going to get to! You married me!" A hot blush flew over your face again.

"Ah, that... that reminds me that the next and second to last thing on the list is something I should just tell you my plan." He sat back in his seat and looked forward.

"On how you're going to handle that abomination?" You turned towards him as he started the car up and began driving towards the house.

I'll have to sublet my apartment and not renew it! I'll have to move my things into his house! We'll get a big bed for us... and new couple things!

You were distracted as Sangwoo spoke.

"I can't kill him."

"What?" Your focus switched instantly. "What in God's good name do you mean?!"

"Lower your voice." He gave you a dark look quickly. "Don't yell at me. Ever. You're my wife and I respect you. I will try my best not to yell at you. Try your best to respect me in the same way."

You looked down, scolded.

"You're right. I'm sorry."

He was surprised that you deferred so quickly. But he appreciated it for this situation.

"What I mean is that if I killed him, it would immediately go to me. If he were murdered by anyone it would look like it was me."

"I won't kill him." You crossed your arms and pouted. "Promise, for now."

"Well, thank you for that, but let me tell you my plan." He kept talking. "I want to destroy his psyche. And for that, I need your help."

"I'm flattered." You gave him a surprised look and placed a hand over your chest. You had both changed back into your normal clothes and tucked your hanbok-dul away in boxes to keep. "But why?"

"Why destroy his psyche? Because if he kills himself, then we're off the hook." Sangwoo explained. "And you came in and consoled me, we fell in love and lived happily ever after."

The record screeched in your head.

"So, I can't be your wife still." You repeated.

"Don't do it." He shook his head.

"I can't move in. I can't be with you in public."

"Stop. Hear me out. Take a breath." His hand touched your thigh gently. "I love you. We'll work around it. You can move in if you really want to; although I still might have to do some... unsavory things to him. And we can go out in public, we just can't be very intimate. Which we shouldn't be anyway. Not yet. Okay? You can still wear your engagement ring. We can get wedding rings later. We'll come up with a story for you."

You let out a breath and placed your hand over his.

"Why didn't you say this all the first time?" You asked.

"I... I don't really know." He admitted. "I didn't know how I guess. Anyway, we're here."

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