24: Shy & Sangwoo

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Sangwoo pulled his head back for air as he sat back on the couch that he shared with the girl he knew as Shy.

Your face was red as you scanned his face for his emotions. He definitely was excited. A little bit horny, of course. And even maybe just a bit... psychotic. The look he had on his face turned you on.

"You wanna... go up to my room?" Sangwoo asked.

He had made sure that his captive in the basement would keep quiet, by gagging him. So now, all that was left was to seal the deal with his cutie and slit her throat; right through the carotid artery would probably the best. Or maybe puncture her thoracic cavity. At the thought of this, Sangwoo launched into a mental monologue. The popliteal artery at the back of the knee. The femoral artery in the groin... that would be erotic. The liver? That's between the ribs. Two and three or three and four would work. A bit slow though. Lungs... I always do lungs, I need to branch out. Or well... it is really sexy the sound that drowning in their own blood makes. Plus I wouldn't have to hear her say anything...

Heart of course is an easy one. But that's still not very new. Gotta keep sharp. Axillary artery... now that's new. Access through the armpit, cutting the left would be the quickest because that's where the blood exits the heart... but it only takes about a minute for the blood to circulate through the body, so whatever is open would work. Gotta remember to thrust up and not down. Totally different.

Or I could fuck her from behind and get her right in the back of the neck. Base of the skull and sever the spinal cord. Then I could take my time with exactly what I want to do to her. She couldn't move anything. Couldn't even speak, honestly.  I just have to get her to my room, next to my knives.

"So?" He pushed.

You bit your lip in anticipation. You were so turned on. This face that had such a thin veil covering the murderous rage behind it, was absolutely the best. You knew that this was a bad decision, but you couldn't help but be pleased by the progress.

Say yes! Go up to his room! You thought excitedly.

"Um! Yes! Okay!"

Sangwoo smiled and grabbed the cutie in front of him. As he marched upstairs, stalker in arms, he couldn't help but feel a little bit off.

When he got to his bed, he pursed his lips briefly, before thinking there was one more thing he wanted to ask.

"Hey, uh... Hien..." He frowned, like the name itself was sour. "Whatever happened to 'You'll have to marry me before you fuck me'? I thought that was like... your thing. Not that I'm complaining. Was that just something to turn me on?"

"What? I don't think I've ever said that..."

"Are you fucking with me? You said it to me like, not that long ago." He got an angry look on his face. The least you could do was tell the truth.

"We've... we've never spoken before today, Sangwoo..."

He looked up at the ceiling.

"Fucking hell, Shy. You really got me, didn't you?" He shook his head.

"My name's not Shy. It's Hien."

"Sorry. I wasn't talking to you."

That's right. He's talking to me. You smirked triumphantly as you watched from the safety of your room.

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