70: Stranger Danger

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"No." Sangwoo pulled his blankets up, hugged you tightly and scooted down on his bed.

"Wh-wh-what?!" You shrieked indignantly.

"I said no. I won't take you back to your house. Now shut up and take a nap." He closed his eyes and began to ignore you.

"Y-y-you're awful." You pouted as your nose rubbed Sangwoo's bare chest. "S-s-sinful."

"Wanna fuck?" Sangwoo asked, without missing a beat.

"Y-y-y-y-yes b-but I w-w-won't." You admitted.

"You're going to be a great wife then, I guess." He stroked your face with his hand. "Now seriously, shut up Shy, I'm trying to sleep. Keep your holier-than-thou thoughts to yourself right now."

And for once, you decided to listen to him. Quietly, you settled into simply absorb the experience of being close to the one-and-only Sangwoo. You took in his smell; a manly smell that reminded you of wood and deodorant. The feeling of his warm, bare skin against your face was pure ecstasy. His strong arms wrapped around you made you feel safe and protected, while at the same time reminded you that he could have squeezed the life out of you at any point.

Honestly, what more could you have asked for?

The rest of the day had gone by quickly and before long he did indeed take you home.

And things were a little bit boring after that. Not quite sure what to do with yourself after such an eventful few days, you took the next day to yourself, only watching Sangwoo from afar and speaking to him briefly. After all, didn't absence make the heart grow fonder?

It was an odd predicament to be in. Sangwoo had brought up getting married in that week, but he hadn't actually picked a date or time; did that mean that you needed to set one? Should you be doing something? Was he... playing with you?

The thoughts ran through your head as you watched him interact with that stupid creature. Why was it even still there? It was such a waste of space, you could hardly bring yourself to think about it most of the time. But of course, the very fact that Sangwoo had to take care of it and even now, clean up after it, meant it was on your mind as well.

Today, this morning, Sangwoo was on his knees re-varnishing his kitchen floor and removing the bloodstains that the monster had left on it. Where had common courtesy gone? Why hadn't it had even the smallest amount of decency to bleed over the sink? Or why couldn't it had just bled to death and saved everyone the hassle? It wasn't that big, it couldn't have had much blood.

Sangwoo stood up as you watched him, and wiped the sweat off his brow. He was out of varnish and needed to go get more. You watched him leave in his silly outfit of a hoodie, shorts, socks and sandals and smiled to yourself.

That's my Sangwoo.

But the next person who came to the front door was not your Sangwoo.

"Who the fuck are you?" You said out loud to yourself. "And what am I going to do about you?"

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