20: Conversing With A Devil

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"Shit... I forgot you see everything..." He mumbled. "Well I'm not gay, so get that out of your head. I like my women. That old guy's just... feminine or some shit. I dunno. Anyway." He cleared his throat and shook his head. "I miss talking to you. I thought we were going to get to know each other. Maybe I'm just being impatient, but I want to know everything about you. For example, one of my favorite flavors of gum is watermelon. What's yours? Uh, gum? What the fuck? Damn Shy, are you socially awkward? What kind of question is that? Mint I guess."

"But what kind of mint? What brand?" You flipped on your speaker and spoke out loud to him and he ducked defensively.

"Holy fuck! You scared the shit out of me. Well hello to you too, Shy." He ran his hand through his slicked back hair, making you swoon. But you stayed quiet, letting him remember your question. And after a minute and an aggressive exhale, he did respond. "Peppermint. No brand preference. I'm not a big gum chewer. Are you?" He asked as he set down the letter. It was basically over anyway.

"No. When I buy gum, I end up eating it all in one sitting." You giggled, absolutely elated to be talking to your precious Sangwoo.

"Indulgent then. Mmm." A naughty smirk came across his face. "I could indulge you, you know. I'd let you eat me all up in one sitting too. I bet you're a good girl like that."

He winked "at" you and you felt faint. He was crazy sexy. Sexier than anything you'd ever seen. You wanted to ask him to take his shirt off. You wanted to see a lot of him; but for propriety you abstained.

"Don't tease me!" You scolded him.

"I can just hear your lips pouting. I bet you're the young wife type, Miss Religious. You won't touch me until I marry you, but the second that ring's on your finger, you'd let me defile you. Wouldn't you?"

"No!" You were taken aback by his profile of you. It was actually spot on, but you couldn't say that out loud. Never. You would rather die than be so embarrassed.

"Oh, oh, oh, my apologies; I forgot you were a complete sweetheart." His voiced laced with sarcasm. "Your delicate sensibilities must be respected... Or was it not you who sent me a heart they literally ripped in half?

You laughed into the microphone, throwing Sangwoo off.

"He was going to tattle on me. And I couldn't have that. I thought I loved him. But now I know that the only love I have ever felt has been for you, Oh Sangwoo."

A psychopathic look flashed briefly across his face, before he gave you a harmless smile.

"Won't you come over to my house, Shy? I just want to meet you. I'll even make you dinner. Doesn't that sound fun? I promise I won't even try to kill you this time."

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