13: Thinking Back

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"That was fun and all, Shy, but that thing needs to be fed. I'll talk to you later then? Maybe tonight?" He winked at you, making you blush. "I wanna know more about you."


"Oh, don't stutter girl, you'll make me fall in love with you." He charmed you as he cleaned up his mess and subsequently got dressed in a dark hoodie and some jeans.

He always looks so good... No matter what he wears... unlike me... You looked down at your clothes. Today was Saturday and so you didn't actually have to leave your apartment. That meant that you were just wearing a baggy shirt with your pajama pants underneath. Your look was normally pretty lazy. In fact, you had been so absorbed in watching Sangwoo today that you hadn't brushed your hair or your teeth. You ran your tongue along the film that covered your teeth and shivered. Super gross. And although you desperately wanted to go clean up, you really couldn't tear yourself away.

This reminded you of the last time Sangwoo went down to the basement with porridge. That thing hadn't been as incapacitated as it was now but it was still pretty hurt. And it hadn't been invited up into the house, either.

Your flashback began with your own thoughts.

What if Sangwoo does something interesting? What if he comes up to talk to me when I'm gone? He could fall in love with that thing in the basement before I get a chance to talk to him! I'm sure he'll see that he'd prefer someone like me... I just have to make sure he won't kill me first.

You sat back, enjoying your daydream as you watched Sangwoo rummage through his pantry. Eventually he came upon what he was looking for; abalone porridge.

Ew...Especially canned. You thought as you monitored his every movement. You watched his strong thigh muscles work as he walked down the stairs, the lever action exaggerated by his raw power. How does he even walk sexy? You swooned as you fanned yourself. You were so obsessed with this man your heart could hardly stand it.

It had begun when you heard a scream. Focusing on the basement, you had noticed that the creature had noticed the dead girl next to him just as Sangwoo was entering the room. Then, you saw his mouth move and turned up your sound.

"—Not nice. You shouldn't scream when you see a lady's face... How do you feel? Spending a night with the daughter of the CEO of a pharmaceutical company? You have no idea how much she screamed at you for help while you were out cold... As if you could've heard that stupid bitch. She was stupid to the end. It was tough matching her level of stupidity to the end."

But you did it Sangwoo! You're so amazing... You practically had to stop yourself from drooling.

"If anyone was hurt by this, I was." He had made an exaggerated frown. "This bitch thought she was better than me. Now look at her!" He reached out a grabbed her stiff tit. "Shamelessly flaunting her tits in front of two men at the same time... It's stiff than it was yesterday."

You then watched as the thing looked up at Sangwoo in horror.

"You're middle aged and unemployed." You had practically choked on your spit while you screamed in your head; MIDDLE AGE? IT LOOKS LIKE SANGWOO'S AGE! "Judging by your shabby clothes, you were probably the class loser... Plus you're a dude lover."

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