99: Better and Better

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Sangwoo had a smug look on his face the entire tow-truck ride to the next stop while you blushed.

"How can you ask me that right now!?"  You smacked his arm. "You're lust personified."

"I love you," He kissed your  head. "And I love your body. Please?"

"Get a hold of yourself!" You giggled.

"Look, the choice is the cheek or the bat,"  He gripped you tightly and pushed you onto the ground. "Now if I was you, I'd plant one right here."

He turned his face to the side as you laid beneath him. Tenderly, you reached up and pressed your lips against his cheek.

"I can't believe you made me do that and then you took a nap for the entire hour it took for the truck to show up." You pouted, folding your arms and looking away from him. "What are we doing here?"

"Here where? In South Korea?" He smirked as he opened the door and slid out.

"No, you crab apple," You punched his arm as you slid out on the same side as him. "This place."

He watched you wave your arms around ecstatically.

"Why do we exist in the world? You know I ask myself the same thing sometimes..." He laughed as you slapped his chest again. "I need a new car, ergo we're at a dealership."

"Yeah, but this is like... really nice." You noted as you looked around at the sports cars surrounding you. "Like you don't need to impress me... I already said I'd marry you."

"But I want to make sure people know I can provide for you. Plus," He wrapped an arm around your shoulder and led you inside. "I like fast cars and nice things."

"I am neither." You pointed out.

"You are maybe not the nicest person," He shrugged. "You are also not a car. But you are completely nuts. And I love that."

"You're just as crazy." You smiled at him and pointed at a car in large display room. "Get that one."

"Is it your money, miss?"

"Is it?"

"Soon enough, Mrs. Oh." He kissed your head as he laughed.

"How soon is soon?" You asked as you both sat down in front of an empty desk, signifying that you were ready to get a car.

"Next on the list is your wedding hanbok." He revealed, causing you to gasp and turn to look at him as a diligent worker came to sit and greet you both.

"It sounds like you both have a busy day ahead of you, so let us get to the point." They began, "How can I help you both today? New car for a new life together?"

"That is exactly it." Sangwoo smiled as he bowed to the agent and he pointed at the car you had noticed. "My wife wants that one. Tell me I can afford it."

"Oh, that one? Definitely. And you have the trade-in... We have financing... it's very doable."

"That's what I like to hear. Alright, let's get cracking, we have a busy day and this is only one stop of many."

You practically vibrated in your seat. This list was getting better and better.

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