43: Jealousy Level Two

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You whipped your head towards the scene, disgusted.

"I'm very nervous." Sangwoo told it, revealing something that he hadn't even told you as he intertwined his hands with it. "It's the first time that I'm doing something like this. I'm both happy and excited... Or maybe I'm not happy, but I'm a little more scared. I mean, what if someone mistakes us and ruins everything we have?"

Oh my goodness... I was just pissed when I thought he was talking about the concert... but he has the audacity to talk about their relationship in front of me? I'm livid! You thought to yourself as he spoke.

"We can do it together! You'll both help me, right? Do you love me?"

"A-a..." It muttered.

"I love you, Sangwoo." You spoke up with muted fury.

"I need your help too, Bum. Do you love me?"

"I... love you." It murmured as Sangwoo smiled and leaned forward.

"Really? Do you love me?" Sangwoo asked as he leaned into its neck. "I love you too."

You screamed with anger and you got out of the car door, slamming the door shut as hard as you could.

"Hey! What the fuck!? Don't slam my doors!" Sangwoo unrolled his window briefly and you threw the sweatshirt back at him.

"What the fuck to you! Take it back! I'm so angry at you! Try not to suck on stage, asswipe!" You let him have it as you kicked his car and walked away. "You're SO lucky I don't kill him right now!"

"Fucking hell man, she's psycho..." Sangwoo muttered to himself before turning back to Bum.

Meanwhile, you were in the main concert area, trying to avoid human contact and not look crazed. But you were still furious. What was he going to do next, kiss it in front of you? What an affront to your God. How dare Sangwoo declare his love for it right in front of your face!

As you angrily crunched on complimentary cookies, You noticed that the crippled, ugly thing was shoved into the room. You desperately wanted to go over there and kick its ugly purple legs until it cried and begged for your forgiveness. You wanted to make its face so ugly that Sangwoo would throw it in a garbage can and forget all about it. You even wanted to expose it as the fraud it was; a shitty stalker-- an amateur that gave other stalkers a bad name.

But you didn't. You stayed in your spot. And you stayed in your spot through the girls group. And through the next girls group. And the next one. And then, when the thing tried to escape the room. And when it harassed some other poor girl. What were you going to do? Talk to it like it was some kind of human? No one else was doing that; why would you?

Eventually, it was Sangwoo and Ji Eun's turn. As they walked out on stage, you wondered if Sangwoo was hot or if Ji Eun was cold because certainly one of them had to be. She, although very stylish, had very little clothing on, while Sangwoo retained his entire suit on.

Beautifully he sang as you listened, almost forgetting why you were so angry. And things were going a little bit more according to what the plan had been. That is, until the song finished and someone recognized you.

"Hey... Hey! Shy, right? Sangwoo's Shy?"

Gosh darn it. You thought.

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