100: The Wedding

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"We'll wear them out actually. The next stop is the best of all." Sangwoo nodded at you, seeing your growing excitement. "We're getting married."

"Today?!" You whipped around and looked at him, hanbok flowing around.


"Right now?!"

"Yes, right now."

You tried not to pass out as Sangwoo held out his hand to you. Swept away from the cash register, it was only moments before you were in the new sports car and were zooming to the court house.

"I do want to apologize that there's not a big party. But I figured we could have that another time. There's a religious official and the legal documents and we can just do the bare minimum and you'll be my wife and I hope that will be good enough for you. Will it be?" Sangwoo didn't take his eyes off the road, but his hand laid chastely on your knee.

"Any chance to spend my life with you will be enough, Sangwoo." You gushed. The emotions overran your head. It felt like little hearts swam in your vision and if they could be, even your pupils would be contracted in tiny heart shapes. "Do we have any vows to say?"

"Do you have anything outside of the generic vows to say?" He asked right back. "We only have about a ten minute drive."

"I can think of something. Will you?"

"I can think of something too. Okay?" A small smile crept on his face. "I'll make it special for you, Shy. We only get married once, right?"

"Right." Your own smile grew ten times bigger as the excitement became palpable. This was it. You were actually getting married; no matter how rushed it might have felt.

For the next ten minutes, you both thought about your vows and bounced up and down in the passenger seat, careful not to rip your hanbok. And when you finally arrived at your destination, it took all your might not to simply tumble out of the car and run inside.

"Wait, Shy, before we go in..." He grabbed your hand. "You're sure, right? You're not going to... You're not going to leave, right? Get an annulment in a week or kill me tomorrow when you're bored of me?"

"Pinky promise. You pinky promise the same back, though. I'll also try not to stutter." You nodded as you held out your pinky. Sangwoo looked down at your pinky and chuckled.

"You're such a child sometimes."

"And you're a butt-sandwich, but here we are."

"Here we are." He smiled and connected your pinkies, promising. "Ready?"

You nodded and together, you both walked in. It took about an hour for all the paperwork to get filled out, the fees to be paid and for the religious official to be ready. But then, it was time.

"Would the couple like to recite any vows before I pronounce you husband and wife?" They asked quietly.

"Yes." You whispered. "I would like to tell Sangwoo that I have always loved him. That I always will love him. I l-love every piece of him, every flaw and every bonus of him. I can't wait to be husband and wife. And I can't wait to share our very first k-kiss."

The official looked surprised briefly, but quickly recollected themselves.

"And you, sir?"

"I would like to tell my soon-to-be wife that she has been a royal pain." He chuckled, "But that I wouldn't have it any other way. I love her for exactly who she is and I wouldn't change anything about it. It was why I loved her on sight, it was why I couldn't function without her and it's why I'm standing here, asking her to marry me now."

"So without further ado, I now pronounce you man and wife and you two may now share... your first kiss!"

Gently, Sangwoo held your chin and jaw in his large hands as you both closed your eyes. He leaned in as you stood still and briefly, it could have only been seconds, his lips pressed against yours.

And it was worth every second of waiting.

AN: CHAPTER 100!!! NEVER MADE IT HERE BEFORE! I'm so happy to have been on this journey with all of you! We're also not done, so don't worry ;) but this is a huge milestone for me so let's celebrate together! Woo!

Note the picture above, drawn by @Marvel_NERD_101 absolutely fabulous! Shy in her hanbok!

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