86: I Don't Plan

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You rubbed your eyes as Sangwoo's voice more clearly rang into your apartment. It seemed as though the only place where you could hear what he was saying was going to be when he was in the bathroom; assuming his room was set up like yours.

"Aww..." You moved closer to the wall as you listened to him. "It's a little cold now."

He must be taking a bath now... How long did I sleep for? You wondered, looking at the clock. Oh. Only about three hours.

"Sangwoo, tell me why..." It's shrill voice rang out, making you cringe.

"Hmm?" Sangwoo asked.

"Why do you keep saying things that could get us caught?!" You snickered at its ignorance. No one would ever suspect Sangwoo. He was too perfect. "I don't know what you're thinking anymore..."

You never did, you weed. Your eyes rolled back in your head out of sheer annoyance. But Sangwoo took the time to explain. He's a saint, honestly. Taking the time to talk to that thing like it's his actual partner. It's too bad I'm going to kill him tonight.

"We had a nice meal thanks to those bitches... and then I wanted to rest, which is why I told them to leave. That's all." He explained.

Oh. They must have had women over for dinner and Sangwoo scared them away. You shrugged. Well, whatever works. 

Then, you heard an aggravated sigh.

"You don't know what I'm 'thinking anymore'?" Sangwoo continued. "I don't think. I don't plan. That's why we're on this trip." That's why I don't have a wife. "Look at me. Do you see me getting angry at you for losing my board like an idiot? Those girls won't even remember our names in a few days. Trust me. I've already forgotten theirs..."

There was a long pause of silence.

"Yoon Bum. This is like a... 'ceremony'. Just enjoy yourself..."

And that's where the conversation stopped for the night.

You waited and waited. The noises are what guided you. The draining of the bathtub. The spitting of toothpaste into the sink. The flushing of the toilet. Faint rustling of covers. You waited a few more hours after that; thankful for your nap. And then, you got up and walked over to their room. Having already taken a copy of their key when they had first left their room in the morning, you had no problem with entering the room.

You were dressed inconspicuously;  a pair of shorts and a hoodie. Within that front hoodie pocket however, laid four needles, ready to go with air.

Quietly, with no shoes on, you snuck inside and walked up close to the edge of Sangwoo's bed. It had been a while since you had seen him and for less than a minute you just took in the sight of him. He was naked and you'd be damned if you didn't appreciate him just one last time. 

Then, you took out one large needle. You debated very briefly chest over neck, but decided to go for the neck. It would be a much easier target. Crouching down, you lined up your aim. And then, with your thumb on the plunger, you pushed the needle in.

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