77: Checking In

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You ran for only about three minutes before collapsing next to a tree and pulling out your cell phone to watch what Sangwoo was doing. Pawing at your eyes, you resolved yourself to do exactly what you said you would. You would stalk him like a lioness and kill him when the time was just right.

You watched as Sangwoo stood up slowly from the ground, shoving his hand in his pocket. 

That idiot must be looking for the ring so he can return it. So... fucking... stupid... You wiped at your face again and again, cursing the liquid leaking out of it.

Slowly, Sangwoo approached the skinny mouth-breather who was tentatively reaching up to do the door code.

How does that piece of shit know the code and I don't?! You scowled in an ugly way.

"Honey." You heard Sangwoo's voice ring out in a grainy manner. Your sound quality wasn't great on your phone. You frowned at this. Now that it was his boyfriend he got to be--

Your thoughts were interrupted by Sangwoo's hand flying across the scrawny thing's face. You sniffled and couldn't help but smile just a bit as its head clunked against the door.

"What do you think you're doing? You think you're my lover now?" Sangwoo touched his face. "You see this? This is all because of you. My fucking fiancée? She fucking left because of you. My life is ruined because of you."

"Ah... Umm... Sangwoo..." It stumbled over its words. "Why don't we go inside first..."

Swiftly, Sangwoo's wickedly strong fist connected with its stomach and it collapsed onto the ground.

"Fucking shameless. Apologize first, you piece of shit. Did you know? Back in the car, I was so angry, I was shaking. And I hope she fucking hears this, I really fucking do, because if I have to die, you better fucking believe you're going first." He shook his head as it coughed on the ground below him. "The idea that you could've betrayed me back there... But you had fun, didn't you? Manipulating me into this situation? You knew how much she hated you. How she would have made me choose you or her and how I was already forced into choosing you."

Sangwoo took a deep breath.

"But still... I am a little grateful. Since, thanks to you, I did get something out of this. She was definitely psychotic. More than a handful. A bitch, if you will, and I know you will. That's one less problem for me. I won't have to teach her how to fuck. I won't have to make her get along with you, or worry about her splattering your guts whenever my back is turned." He sighed again. "As a token of my appreciation..."

A sick smile plastered across his face as a sneer fell onto yours. The smile didn't last however. Sangwoo wasn't in any kind of pleasant mood.

"Honey~ Get up."

"Now?" it asked as it complied anyway.

"Turn around." Sangwoo demanded.

"Wha-huh?" It was thrust against the door and suddenly it was stripped from the waist down. 

"Enjoy the show, Ha-eun. Could have been you." He sneered.

And with that, you shut off your phone.

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