22: Clues

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"Do you know anyone that goes by the nickname of Shy?" Sangwoo casually inquired to his friend group.


"Why do you ask?"

"Does the mighty Sangwoo have a crush?"

"Aren't you already trying to date that one rich girl? What was her name again..."

"Ji Eun! How could you forget? She's the hottie of the school!"

"And yet still not enough for ol' Sangwoo here."

"Are any of you dickwads actually going to answer my question?" He joked around outwardly, but in all reality, he wanted to murder every one of the idiots in front of him. This was a serious question for him.



"Weird name."

"Does Hien count?"

"Why would it? Does that sound like the word Shy?" Sangwoo rolled his eyes.

"Well actually, it means shy in Vietnamese culture. You didn't say if she was Korean or whatever."

Suddenly, Sangwoo was interested. Way. Too. Interested.

"Introduce her to me." He commanded.

"Wait, why?"

"Can't you just do it? I think I know her from somewhere and I really want to talk to her in person." He scowled, irritated by the questions.

"Ohhh, like one of those online relationships?"

"Really? Two-timing the princess of the university? Risky business, Sangwoo."

"Yeah, really. Seriously. What business do you have hogging all the pretty girls?"

"Is Hien a pretty girl?" Sangwoo asked innocently.

"I'd say so. Reserved. Doesn't talk much. A loner, but quite pretty. I hear she comes from a rich family though, and when she does hang out with friends, it's always elite people."

"So like a would-be stalker?" Sangwoo was deeply invested. He couldn't believe that it might have been just this easy.

"Uh, that's a weird way to put it, Sangwoo."

"What, do you have a fetish for them or something?"

The group laughed as Sangwoo made a face that signified that he was still waiting to hear the response.

"Oh, uh, sure, yeah, why not?"

"Introduce me to her. I'm serious." He grinned, trying to hide his anger.

"Fine, fine. I'll invite her to hang out with tomorrow, alright? I'll ask her during creative writing class and we'll see. Not my fault if she won't come. Deal?"

"Sure. Thanks." Sangwoo mentioned dismissively. He had other thoughts on his mind now. And he needed to get home to talk to you.

"That's all I get, huh? Just a thanks?"

"Yup. Alright, I'm out. I'll see you guys tomorrow then." Sangwoo waved dismissively as he stood up from the table at the cafe. He didn't even remember these peoples' names most of the time; so why would he show them gratitude? Throwing down some money, he exited.

As he walked home, happily humming, he didn't recognize the girl that had been sitting in the booth across from his own. He didn't notice when she got up to leave just after him. And he didn't notice her following him home.

After all, isn't that was a good stalker did? Blended in, kept their cover, is careful and above all else; stays a step ahead of their prey?

Did you say prey? I meant love of my life.

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