85: Skiing

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AN: I'm catching up too quickly to the manwha! Someone stop me! Someone make the season be done quicker!

He looked so good snowboarding down the side of the mountain that you always just wanted to sit at the bottom and wait for him all day.

In fact that might have been a good idea, except for the fact that you did enjoy snowboarding/skiing as a sport. So you rode up the ski lift and back down; enjoying yourself, all the while keeping an eye on the mismatched pair.

Every time that slug (an insult to the species really, but you were running out of insults) fell, you laughed wildly, causing everyone to look at you oddly.

As the day wore on, you were getting deathly bored of the beginners slope and even the novelty of the idiot falling all the time was wearing off.

Sliding soundlessly down the slope, you slipped past the couple once again. Except this time, you did a double take. Didn't I just pass the dumbo back there? You thought to yourself.

And indeed you had. Whipping around once you got to the bottom, you watched as Sangwoo picked up someone who was not his precious little creature. Instead it was a woman. Jealousy surged inside of you briefly, but you decided to hand back against the wall and see what happened.

Sangwoo lead the young woman to the edge, where her friend collected her quickly. Then, seemingly, he and the creature got into a tiff. 

"Let's go, Chimp." You heard him call out to the thing.

"I'm hurt, too..." It whined. You scowled at this. Why would it need to feel jealous of that interaction? Sangwoo hadn't gone the route you thought he might, instead simply assisting the woman to the edge of the skiing area and then releasing her to her friend. 

"You're fine." Sangwoo huffed.

"I fell so many times!" It protested. "There's no way I'm fine! And my bandages are all wet, too..."

You groaned as you leaned back and watched, hoping not to look too conspicuous.

"That's because your body is struggling to deal with your clumsiness." Sangwoo looked annoyed now, to your pleasure. "Are you gonna ski or not?"

"Don't call me a chimpanzee..." It whined again.

Bitch, you're lucky he's just calling you that. You hid your ugly face you made in your scarf. I'm calling you much worse. 

"What?" Sangwoo challenged it, but quickly sighed and backed down. "Where are you hurt?"

"Eh?" It was surprised, apparently. 

Why? You thought. Sangwoo is loving and caring. Of course he would take care of the stupid thing.

"I'll go to the infirmary. Wait here." Sangwoo placed his stuff on the bench and motioned for his dedicated little dog to sit and wait there as well.

Minutes ticked by and you noticed that Sangwoo was stuck in a long line and that the careless lamp post of a mouth breather had disappeared; leaving everything unattended.

Mischief time! You cheered. 

Casually, you walked up and grabbed Sangwoo's snowboard. No one would stop a young looking woman. 

And with that board in hand, you walked away and back to your room. Which may or may not have been located next to Sangwoo's. Just by coincidence.

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