16: Missing Pieces

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"Right where the stairs start." Sangwoo looked quite serious, but you were beginning to get nervous. You had a study group in an hour and as much as you didn't want to miss anything that Sangwoo did, education was very important to you.

Darn you, physical chemistry. You thought to yourself. You wished you were some kind of genius so that you wouldn't have to study; but you weren't anything special. Smart, but no prodigy.

Well, perhaps a stalking prodigy... You laughed at yourself and stood up as Sangwoo continued talking. As you got ready to leave, you glanced back at the screen

"Jesus," Your hand laid on your chest as he took the Lord's name in vain. "You actually do as you're told. I'm starting to feel superior or something."

That's because you are, Sangwoo. You rolled your eyes as you grabbed your coat. It was just a little brisk outside and you didn't want to be bothered with it.

"Good boy. Just listen to me and you'll be fine." Sangwoo held its head in his precious hands, spurring a bit of the sin of envy to bloom within you.

Quickly, you took a breath and centered yourself.

"God, please help to be more understanding of why this beautiful, wonderful man would like such a creature, that although you created it, is an abomination within your kingdom." You prayed quietly.

"C'mon. You're still trembling. Stop it... Even when you're not doing it... whenever I see you, I keep thinking about her."

"Prayer answered! Who is... 'her'?" You asked out loud as you exited the screen. Little did you know however, that this question would be answered if only you had stayed just a minute longer.

Instead, you grabbed your backpack, headed out and locked the door behind you.

It was hard to focus during study group and your mind kept drifting back to this "her" Sangwoo spoke of. Who was she? His first love? His first victim? Too many questions racked your brain that you ducked out as soon as the allotted time was up. Popping in your headphones, you decided to listen to Sangwoo's favorite song.

As the music of the Fugees played in your ears, you couldn't resist closing your eyes and singing just a bit more passionately than you usually would. And just as you got to the chorus, you fell down.

Or more accurately, you rebounded off of what felt like a telephone pole. But when you looked up, it was not a pole. It was definitely. Not. A. Pole.

"You had better be more careful miss," He offered a hand to you as you sat on the ground. "Or at least sing someone's favorite song a little worse! Otherwise I wouldn't have had to stop!"

His smile rained down on you like Heaven's light. Stunned and speechless, all you could do was touch this perfect, wonderful hand that was being offered to you. It was Sangwoo. THE Sangwoo. Oh Sangwoo. The one and only.

"Alright... Well..." He gave you a weird look as you continued to stare at him. "Be careful!"

He jogged off in the direction of what looked like his group of friends, leaving you behind in a stupor.

You couldn't believe he had left his house that quickly. And now, he wouldn't be available for viewing for the evening. But you got to touch his hand. His. Hand.

"I'm never going to wash it again."

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