88: Plotting

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You held back your laughter once again as the tumbleweed got his head knocked by the ski lift after being bullied by a mere child. You had to admit, it was funny to see just how pathetic it could really be. Especially since Sangwoo wasn't really putting up with it. But you watched carefully his interactions with the woman and her son.

Sangwoo had been having increasingly odd interactions with women that had young boys; something you attributed to his own mother and her downfall. And today was no different. And it gave you a smattering of ideas.

"Hey, Lady." Sangwoo approached her to reproach her. "What the hell are you doing? Take care of your kid..."

But his composure was quickly lost. You observed as his hands shook and his brows furrowed. His pupils dilated even, showing true panic as the woman looked up at him.

She must look like her. You thought to yourself. I wish I knew more backstory. It would make torturing him a lot easier.

"I'm so sorry, young man! My boy just won't stop causing problems for others... I'll take care of the poles!" She looked up at him with sorrowful eyes as she apologized one more time.

There's no way Sangwoo isn't getting off to this. You rolled your eyes. Unholy in the eyes of God. Why does he have to go after women all the time? Why not ever men? Other than that one man that one time... awful sinner he was though...

"I never wanted to see you again..." Sangwoo mumbled, confirming your suspicions. Or at least, the made up story in your head. After all, Sangwoo had never talked to you about his mother; this easily could have been an issue with an aunt or a past girlfriend. But it was must easier to simply push the blame onto his mother and so you did. You'd let Sangwoo correct you later.

"Excuse me...?" The woman asked him to clarify, but he didn't. So she took it another way. "Ah, don't worry! I-I'll find the pole for you, no matter what! If you just wait here, I'll..."

But Sangwoo wasn't even listening now. He was lost in a flashback.

"Don't worry about the pole." He shook himself out of it.

"Oh? But..."

"Just keep an eye on your son." Sangwoo turned away quickly. "Make sure he doesn't cause any more trouble..."

As he walked past his ugly pet, he spoke to it as well.

"Let's go find the pole." He mumbled.

Your plan however, had just begun.

As you boarded up to the woman, you took a deep breath. There had to be substantially less stuttering for this to work.

"H-Hi!" You introduced yourself. "My name is Shy. E-Excuse my stutter. You m-met my cousin just a second ago. H-He can be kind of... h-harsh. I wanted to a-apologize. I would l-love to help you look for it!"

"Oh, are you sure!? It wasn't your fault at all, I'd hate to make you waste your day!" She looked at you with shining eyes.

"We'll be snowboarding down the hill to look for it anyway, so why not have a p-purpose?" You smiled at her. It was surprisingly easy to talk to her. Her pathetic-ness really put you at ease. "We can s-stay out all night! H-He'd really appreciate it."

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