9: Let's Chat

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You turned on the microphone on your computer and then set the voice altering machine up. You had it set to a famous pop star's voice, that way Sangwoo would get the gist that you were answering his question.

And after a few calming breaths, you spoke.

"Let me know if this is too loud." Your voice rang out in his living room. You were able to localize it to one room at a time.

"Holy fuck. I didn't think you'd do it." Sangwoo looked around in shock. "You really bugged my house, huh? Is that your real voice, or are you fucking with me?"

"It's not my real voice, but I'm definitely not a man. Actually, I guess my voice isn't much different than this, but it isn't mine. Sorry!" You laughed at your fake apology, but you were practically high right now. You couldn't believe that you were talking to the Oh Sangwoo. Your idol.

"You don't have to apologize to me, Shy. I'm just surprised. Damn... I just... can't believe it."

"Are you going to call the cops? Am I scaring you?" You asked.

"With that princess of pop voice? I don't fucking think so. And I'm going to take the liberty to assume I'm a lot bigger than you... Fuck. I just... I'm kind of fucking happy to talk to you. Like, you know all my shit. You know what I do. I don't have to hide anything." He reclined in his couch. "Too bad I have to take care of that mess in the basement. I mean, what did you make of that? He says he's in love with me."

"I could say that too! I'm literally your biggest fan," You gushed, "I think that's part of being a stalker."

"And I saved his life once? I don't even remember that. I doubt he'd lie about it though. I mean, did I save your life? Is that why you're watching me? Do you watch me all the time?"

"No, no and no. I'm a human with a life too. I just have some... interesting hobbies, let's say."

"Ha! I should use that. Interesting hobbies. So, do you see all the rooms in my house right now?"

"Yeah, but I'm zoomed up on your living room. It doesn't... weird you out?" You asked hesitantly. He was almost disturbingly cool with the whole situation.

"Yeah it does... But it also... I don't know. It's exciting almost. Like I've got a shot of adrenaline just because I know you're watching. You could be a fucking cop for all I know, just recording my every move. But I don't think you are. I think you're just a creep."

You laughed loudly and bent over in your chair, gasping for air.

"Ha! I mean, wow! Shot through the heart! I told you, I was just your biggest fan. I want to know everything about your life! You're so perfect and amazing and cruel and smart. That's why it's okay that you called me a creep. It's just who you are, and it's just who I am." You wiped the tears from your eyes. "And I wouldn't call the cops. If I got tired of you, I'd kill you myself."

"That's the fucking Shy I know. Damn. I like the way you talk. So are you going to tell me anything about yourself?"

"Well, I just recently turned--" You immediately stopped talking as you noticed that guy's body stir in the basement.

"Shy? What happened? You done talking?" Sangwoo furrowed his eyebrows together as he listened for your voice. Instead, he heard groans from downstairs. "Damn. I gotta finish this up."

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