The Fag Swag {25}

Start from the beginning

                Mom stormed over and grabbed my arm. “Look what you did! Clean it up!” she snapped.

                “I’m sorry mom,” I said apologetically.

                “Phillip Alan Brooks, you shut the fuck up and clean it right now! Pick up the glass!” she screamed.

                I dropped to my knees and began to carefully pick the glass up. I had a handful and stood up to throw it up so I could grab the rest of the glass.

                “Phillip, wait,” mom said, sounding calm now.

                I turned to her nervously. “Yes mom?” I asked.

                “Clench your fist,” she said, pointing to the hand holding the glass. “Do it now, or I’ll rub your face into the glass.”

                I gulped and clenched my fist tightly, whimpering at the pain as the glass sliced into my hand. Mom nodded in approval.

                “Go throw that out, and do it again with your other hand,” she commanded.

                I threw the glass out before returning to the living room. Mom watched as I gathered the glass in my other hand, clenching my fist again and whimpering more.

                “That should teach you a lesson, you stupid shit. Now go throw it out and go to your room,” she said, going back to the couch. “And get me another beer while you’re out there.”

                I grabbed her a beer, careful not to get blood on it, and handed it to my mom. I hurried into my bedroom and wrapped my hands with the towel I had brought to the water park. I whimpered in pain again.

                Still, I’d rather focus on the physical pain. The pain in my chest was nearly unbearable.

                Lied to and used!

                I ground my teeth together. “Nick,” I hissed. “Nick fucking Bradley.”

                I tell him I love him, and he tells me he’s fake. Well hey there stab in the heart.

                For once in my life, I thought that someone really cared about me. Nick had just used me to “toughen up”. I thought he wasn’t afraid of me, but that was the only reason he stood up to me.

                I looked over at my bed, remembering the night of the party. The way I had drunkenly told him I loved him before realizing that he had already passed out. Then I’d dragged him out to the couch so I could go tell Angel.

                I had fallen in love with Nick. Or, at least I thought I had. But now he was basically telling me he was a different person.

                I got up and snuck out of my room, managing to make it into the bathroom without my mom seeing me. I pulled out the first aid kit and cleaned my hands before carefully wrapping them. I shoved the gauze and bandages in my pocket so I could change it in the morning.

                I went back to my room and laid on my bed. I folded my hands under my head and stared at my ceiling, trying to breathe evenly.

                God, why did Nick have to do this to me? Why couldn’t he have just been honest with me when I had asked him out? Or hell, even before that! Why did he have to use me and lie to me?

                But the biggest question of all, was why did I still love him?

                                                                                ***Nick’s POV***

                “David, I think Nick’s in shock!” mom called. She came over and grabbed my shoulders, shaking me.

                “Nicky! Are you in shock? You haven’t said a word since I picked you up. What happened? Why are you giving mommy the silent treatment? Honey, talk to mommy! SAY WORDS NICK!” She began to shake me.

                But I ignored her. I couldn’t get myself to wipe that image of hurt Phil from my mind. God, how could I do that to Phil?

                “Nick, what’s wrong?” dad asked, coming out and over to me.

                “I fucked up,” I mumbled.

                “What did you say? Speak up Nick. And what happened to Phil?” mom asked and dad nodded.

                “He broke up with me because I fucked up!” I screamed, jumping out and storming out of the house, slamming the door as I went.

                I shoved my hands in my pockets as I began to walk down the street. I made my way to the park and sat on a swing, staring down at my feet. How could I do that poor Phil? He was right. I had just used him and lied to him.

                “Nick? What’s wrong?”

                I looked up at Shaw. He and his boyfriend, Chandler, came over to me. Shaw gave me a concerned look.

                I looked down at my feet again as I quietly explained everything. “Now he broke up with me. I deserve it. I hurt him, Shaw,” I whispered.

                “Nick, come on! Don’t give up like this. You have to try to fix everything. How can you say you love Phil when you’re just giving up like this? Yea, you fucked up a little. It’s okay. It’s fixable. But it’s only fixable if you’re willing to fix it. So get off your ass, stop feeling bad for yourself, go find Phil, and make everything right again,” Shaw said fiercely.

                Chandler and I stared at Shaw in shock. Oh my lanta that boy got intense sometimes. Shaw blushed.

                “Sorry. I just…I hate when people give up like that,” he mumbled, taking Chandler’s hand in his. “If you can save a relationship, you should. Especially if you really love the person.”

                I nodded slowly. “Yea. Yea, you’re right Shaw. I do love Phil. I don’t want to give up on him. But what if he won’t talk to me? What if when he sees me, he just kicks my ass?” I asked miserably.

                “If you love him, you’ll take that risk,” Shaw said with an affirmative nod.

                I stood up and sighed, shoving my hands in my pockets. “Yea, I’ll try to talk to him. I have a feeling it’ll be for nothing, but you’re right. I love him and I can’t just give up without a fight,” I said quietly.

                His hurt expression flashed through my mind again and I bit my lip. I would do whatever I had to if it meant fixing things between Phil and getting back together with him. I loved him, and I wasn’t giving that boy up without a fight. I would do whatever it took to get him back and fix our damaged relationship.


A.N.- So, my goal is to have this story finished by my birthday. Will that actually happen? No...probably not xD But I am trying to get it done by then! And then I'm starting up another new story next week! So...yea xD 

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