Jake Guentzel

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"Jake!" You laughed as he tried to flip a pancake and it hit the ceiling of your apartment. "You're gonna have to clean that!"

He set the pan on the stove top and laughed. "I didn't think it would hit the ceiling."

You lightly pushed him outta the way to start making a few more pancakes with the little amount of batter you had left. You flipped them better than Jake did while he struggled to remove the batter from the ceiling.

The batter fell in a massive glob of half cooked pancake landing half on your shoulder and half on your head.

From behind you Jake couldn't stop laughing as he backed away a couple feet from you. "Jake..." you warned before turning to look into a reflective surface to see how ridiculous you looked.

"I think you look delicious," he comment and removed some of the batter from your shoulder, throwing it away.

The two of you had been seeing each other for a few months. You hadn't gone out in public together or to any team events because no one knew you were together.

Well technically your mom knew, but that was a fluke and she was sworn to secrecy.

The one person you were terrified to tell was your brother; he was a fantastic brother but there was always one rule between the two of you: friends and teammates were off limits.

You had broken that rule and Matt would probably kill you both if he ever found out.

You turned off the stove and set the pancakes on a plate, deciding you needed to clean up before eating.

After Jake helped get most the batter out of your hair and off your clothes he led you down the hall for a shower, which he was happy to join.


You stepped out of the shower and laughed as Jake wrapped the towel around you.

"You're just really touchy feely today eh?" You mumbled turning around to kiss him.

"Maybe I'm just starved for attention," he mumbled against your lips and backed off grabbing his own towel.

You quickly changed into a penguins shirt and pair of booty shorts since it was fairly hot today.

"You know those are my favourite shorts," Jake mumbled standing in your doorway, eyeing you as you changed. You blushed and turned to him with a small smirk.

"Maybe that was the point," you whispered as you walked past him.

You knew he would be watching your ass as you walked away. In the kitchen you grabbed the pancakes that were now cold and poured syrup on the ones you were eating.

Your phone was ringing on the counter so you reached over to grab it as Jake reached around you to grab his plate.

You tapped the screen to answer without really looking at who was calling.

"Hey," you put on your cheeriest voice for whoever was on the other end. Jake glanced at you and mouthed "wow".

"Hey so I'm gonna pop by since I'm in the neighbourhood," Matt's voice rang through the phone.

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