Olli Maatta

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I just wanted to remind everyone to vote for these imagines in the -ficawards. The previous chapter has the account linked, I just don't want to spam the account by tagging them again.
Alright enjoy this imagine, (if that is even possible *insert evil laugh*)


Word Count: 900+


One Month Earlier

You felt Olli's side of the bed rise up, meaning he got out of bed for the fourth time. "Babe are you okay?" You asked without turning to look at him.

He mumbled something before walking out of the room, turning on the A/C even more than he already had.

Sitting up you looked at him as he walked in. "If you turn it up anymore I'm going to need to sleep in my winter coat and snowpants."

"Sorry," He took his shirt off. A soft glare from the moonlight reflected off his sweat covered body. "I'm just really hot."

"Still?" You asked concerned. "This is like the 4th time this week, are you sure you're okay?"

He nodded, "I've probably come down with a cold or the flu. I'm fine."

You motioned for him to sit down on your side of the bed, which he sighed but did. His trainers had showed you how to feel for lumps in his neck, on the small chance his cancer would be back. You rarely did this, only if he ever started to feel sick like now.

There was nothing which was a relief. "Go back to bed. Try not to get me sick please." You joked.

He smiled and didn't kiss you, because he didn't want to get you sick. "I'll try to sleep, but I've been having troubles falling asleep."

You moved the blankets away from his side of the bed and wrapped yourself in the sheets and massive blanket. He obviously didn't want either.

"I love you," He whispered as you started to fall asleep.

"I love you too," You whispered back.

Present Day

You held your fiancées hand as you both waited for one of the doctors to come back. This particular one had been apart of the surgery to take out Olli's tumor from around 8 months ago.

The pair of you patiently waited, since you found a small lump in his neck a couple days ago. Even from just those two days, the lump had grown in size. To anyone looking for a lump, it would be visible.

"I'm sure it's nothing," He tried reassuring you. He sounded scared though. "I mean there was an 85% chance it would never come back, so I should be fine."

The doctor walked in holding a chart, with quite a lot of paper. He was taller than you remembered him.

"I've done some blood tests, we also completed the biopsy that was done 2 days ago." He set the chart on his desk, and walked around it to sit on the chair. "The biopsy was positive for a rare type of thyroid cancer called anaplastic thyroid cancer. It's the most rare form, and most aggressive."

Olli looked at the doctor. "How bad is it."

"Because of the recent health scare, we caught this early. Very early," the doctor seemed positive. "I want to bring you in for an emergency surgery to remove the tumor before it has a chance to spread to nearby organs and such."

You squeezed his hand slightly. "When would the surgery have to be?"

"Ideally tomorrow. If we wait the cancer will spread to the point that surgery won't resect the entire tumor," the doctor explained.

"If we caught the tumor early wouldn't it be stage one?" You asked. This was a different cancer than what Olli previously had.

The doctor looked at the chart on his desk as he spoke, "This will sound scary, but this cancer only has one stage due to how agressive it is. We can only classify it as stage four," He explained. "But based off of the tests we've done on Olli, well we have got it before it spread which is good."

"What's the chance that I'll make it through all this?" Olli asked the question on both your minds.

The doctor sat up straighter in his chair and stopped looking at the chart, moving it to the side of his desk. "The survival rate of patients after only five years is 5%."

You felt your eyes tear up, "How the hell did he even end up with this type of cancer! You said he wouldn't get sick again!" You lashed out. Olli held your arm and squeezed your hand.

"This particular type is rare, it develops out of other types of thyroid cancer typically. I never would have predicted this." The doctor explained.

You knew that being mad at the man was pointless. It wasn't his fault that the love of your life had cancer again. He was only trying to stop the cancer, he was helping so being mad at him was pointless.

"Let's make a treatment plan, I want to get you both through this okay?" The doctor spoke up from behind his desk.

The three of you began to plan. At the rate he needed to be treated,it looked as if he would need time off from hockey, which seemed to break his heart even more than the diagnosis.

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