Connor McDavid

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Feel free to check out my other books on Wattpad too guys! (my story ideas, my hunger games fanfic, a poem and that's it lol)


Word Count: 1200+


There was the smell of butter and the sound of a microwave filling your small hotel room. The hotel room was only a reminder of how Connor might be in Edmonton come October, and that always seemed to upset you. Of course the idea of him in Edmonton for most of next year had lingered in the back of your mind since you watched Edmonton win the draft lottery. You knew how much being drafted meant to him, and you loved how he shared such a passion for hockey; the problem was that he could possibly be on the other end of the country.

You had gotten a scholarships to your top two universities, McGill in Montreal, and the University of Toronto. The thought of applying to universities out west, or even in the States had not even crossed your mind. You hadn't realized that Connor could have ended up in Phoenix, or Buffalo, and eventually Edmonton. For the longest time you had assured yourself that he would have been drafted by Toronto, except that obviously never happened.

The past week you had spent time in Edmonton with Connor because of the Oliers development camp. It was hard for you to see him in the Oilers gear, and skating in the Rexall Center because to you it almost seemed with every shot and every pass, he was falling more and more in love with the thought of the city and it's fans.

Every time you seemed to think about it you felt more and more selfish, and in a way you knew you were being selfish. Playnig in the NHL was his dream, and you knew that before the two of you had started dating the summer going into grade 12. You also knew how good a player he was, and that he would be in the NHL so when you started dating him you knew that one day he might move away.

The part about him moving that scared you the most, was him moving and forgetting about you. To you, it felt selfish because his priorites would be trying to make that final push to the NHL. He was in the home stretch and had to make it those final few feet. You just didn't want to be left behind.

Whenever you're with Connor it feels like you're walking on air, it's a good feeling to be that happy. To be so happy you don't realize that you're even doing certain things. A lot of the time you don't even realize that you're pouring drinks, or making breakfast. It just doesn't seem real most of the time, because you never thought you could be as happy as you are.

A perfect example is right now, in your hotel kitchen. Like usual, you threw a bag of microwavable popcorn in the microwave, and grabbed some sort of soft drink from the mini fridge and barely noticed you were doing it. It was one of those times, where you knew just having Connor waiting in the other room made you so incredibly happy. The thing to ruin your mood is being in Edmonton, the place you won't be come September, but he might be.

The presence of two arms wrapping around your waist pulled you out of your thoughts as a smile made it's way onto your face. Connor had come back from the final day of the camp and just took a nap, which you didn't mind at all. Besides, his morning voice and post nap voice were incredibly sexy.

He rested his head on your shoulder and nuzzled his head into your neck gently, which always resulted in you squirming because you were incredibly ticklish. Thankfully right before he did that you had set the bottle of pop down. You felt him leave a trail of kisses up your neck before he mumbled against your cheek (in his post-nap voice), "What are you up too?"

"Movie night," you smiled and reached for the microwave that was on the kitchen counter.

Connors lips formed a smile against your skin before his pecked your cheek one last time, "Sounds like a great idea. I'll pick the movie this time."

You watched as Connor went to the living/bedroom of your hotel to find a good movie off of Netflix. Finally when he was out of ear range you sighed and tried your hardest to forget about everything you had been thinking of. This summer you made it your goal to have it be unforgettable.

The popcorn was dumped into a bowl you found in the cupboard. Some how you managed to carry out the drinks and the bowl of popcorn without spilling anything. You also managed to focus on nothing but spending the night watching movies with Connor.

Connor happily took the bowl of popcorn and his drink so you could sit on the bed without spilling anything. Normally you were a complete klutz and would spill the whole bowl on the floor, you weren't today though.

You got comfortable and set your drink on the end table next to the bed before turning back towards Connor who was skimming through horror movies on your laptop. You were pretty sure he knew about your fear of horror movies but it was possible he forgot.

"This one sounds pretty good! what do you think?" Connor asked and handed you the laptop so you could read the description.

Horror movies have never been your favourite, or preferred genre of movies. Connor sounded excited about the movie so instead of saying no you nodded your head, "Sure. Let's watch it."

Connor smiled and got up to turn off the lights, while you waited to hit play. You grabbed a handful of popcorn and munched on it in a fit of nervous eating. Horror movies have scared the living shit out of you before so you anticipated being scared to death.

Connor jumped back into bed and both of you got comfortable before you hit play, the laptop resting on your lap while you laid your head on Connors chest; his fingers playing with your hair as you two ate the popcorn on Connors lap.

As far as horror movies went this one didn't exactly start off scary. In fact you were almost bored until the killer guy came out of no where and killed someone. Your body jumped a little before relaxing after the split second of terror. You could both feel and hear Connor chuckling a little so you paused the movie and turned to face him. "What? Was me being scared entertaining for you?" you asked jokingly.

"It was a little," he admitted. "Here come here."

You sat up a bit more and he wrapped his arm around your shoulders which let you cuddle into him a bit more. "There, the crazy killers won't get you now." Connor said in a tone like he was talking to a little kid.

"Shut up," you laughed and punched the arm that wasn't wrapped around you playfully.

The movie night was perfect in your mind, even though Connor fell asleep not long into the third movie you two picked. You smiled as the guy in the movie managed to win over the girl's heart. You started to drift off to sleep before the movie had finished, and split seconds before you fell asleep all you could think of was,

I'm going to miss this.

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