Ryan Johansen

7.4K 88 3

Word Count: 700+


You carefully spun the wedding ring around and around your finger. The past couple weeks Ryan and you have been fighting, constantly fighting.

The added stress of Columbus outside of a playoff spot didn't help. You were attempting to stay calm throughout the dinner, mostly because you were in public, but it didn't work. You lost it when Ryan brought up Hayes.

Hayes was your childhood friend, attached to one anothers hips your parents would say. Ryan seems to believe you've been cheating on him.


"So now this Hayes guy just happens to waltz into your life when we're having problems eh?" He whispered, "Can't believe this shit!"

"What are you saying Ryan?"

"You're obviously cheating on me!" His voice got louder.

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing!"

"Accuse? I'm stating a fact!" You both were trying not to yell.

"Listen! I'm not in the mood for this! I'm not fighting with you-"

The waiter cut you off, "Hello may I take your order?"

You two stared at eachother for a minute, death glares until Ryan addressed the waiter, "I think we need some time to decide still..."

You were in disbelief; cheating... He thinks you're the one cheating!

As the waiter walked away you turned your full attention to Ryan, "I'm the one cheating? If anything you have affairs while on those longer road trips!"

Ryans hands tightened around his phone, knuckles going white. "I've never cheated on you." He had said staring into your eyes.

You stayed like that until he spoke again, "You can't even say the same sentence back? I knew Hayes was bad news!" He said standing.

"Ryan, what are you-"

He shut you up fast, "I'm going to beat the shit out of him!" He yelled.

"You really can't believe me! Can't trust your WIFE! Ryan! I DIDN'T HAVE AN AFFAIR!" You screamed.


You chuckled, "MAYBE TO HELP A FRIEND WHEN HER DICK OF A HUSBAND ACTS LIKE THIS!" You yelled getting up and walking outside.

He followed, "Why would you!" He yelled before you left the restaurant.


With that statement you left the restaurant.


And now you're here. Questioning your marriage as Ryan drives home, white knuckles on the steering wheel the whole time.

Pulling in the driveway you make a quick dash and open your door before Ryan can lock you in. Talking isn't a good idea right now.

"Y/N!" He called after you as you ran to the front door.

He followed making it to the door as you opened it. You left it open for him, and he closed it behind him.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. Can we talk this out?" Ryan hopefully asked.

You shook your head slowly, "No."

You began walking towards the bedroom as Ryan grabbed your hand pulling you back. "Please?"

You sighed and turned to face him, "5 minutes."

He smiled softly, "Y/N. First off. I've been a dick. I haven't been talking anything out with you. Not letting you into the hockey side of my life like I used too. Instead I've been yelling at you, taking my rage out on you. I shouldn't do that. Knowing you have trust in me when I go on roadtrips means everything too me. Knowing you trust me, and believe I make the best decisions when away from home-"

You cut him off smashing your lips to his. It's been 5 days since you felt those lips and it was killing you inside. He immediately kissed back leaning you against the front door.

"Should I go on?" He asked.

Shaking your head, he smiled a little, then spoke. "Y/N, we've been married for almost a year... Do you, do you think we could start a family? Have kids of our own instead of just babysitting my teammates kids?"

You smiled, and this time nodded your head, "Yes, Ryan. I want that."


Ah tysm for 2.5k reads and almost 100 votes. I believe this was requested but idk if I used the right player or not but whatever :)

ily all who keep reading despite irregular uploads! You're awesome people!

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