Andrew Shaw [Part 1]

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Oh my gosh an updateeee! I'm trying to work through my requests list this week. ALSO don't forget to check out my Corey Crawford fanfic people! I updated it just about an hour ago so if you haven't started reading it yet you should right now!!!
Quick reminder that y/f/n = your friends name. AIGHT enjoy and please don't kill me even if the feels hit you with sadness. I'm in a sad mood writing this.

"Oh my god y/f/n. Where the hell is he?" You panicked as she explained how he still hadn't arrived.

"Listen y/n, I'm Sure he's coming right now!" She tried to reason with you. "Maybe he is stuck in traffic?"

You gave your head a small shake, "We should just call it off. He stood me up."

Your reflection was stunning in the mirror across the tented area. The white dress wasn't too frilly, but perfect for your style. It called your name the minute you saw it. Then there was the hair you had professionally styled and cut just days ago. Your makeup was also minimal, enough to accentuate your eyes and cheek bones but not so much that you looked fake.

To be frank, you were drop dead gorgeous. Yet he still had the nerve to not show up.

"Why bother proposing if you aren't going to show up?" You began to get angry.

"Listen y/n, I'm sure he is coming." She placed a hand in your shoulder, "You need to calm down."

"Half an hour late? I'm sure he left me."

With that you stormed out of that room and kicked your heels off in the process. The soft sand felt great on your feet as you walked down aisle between the guests.

It was easy to spot most of his teammates, the only ones not here was the one who were supposed to be his best man. Taking a deep breath you looked around at all your family and friends, and all of Andrews family and friends. They were all beyond confused.

"Wedding is off. Please go home now," Your voice cracked slightly with sadness. No matter how much you tried to be the strong one it hurt to know he didn't show up.

In the back of your mind you knew the only person to blame was yourself. Many people had warned you about how childish he was and immature. Yet you didn't listen, instead telling them marriage would help make him more of an adult.

No one moved from their chairs which made you more upset, "I said leave! He isn't showing up so leave damnit!"

Everyone looked around shocked at your outburst. Normally you were quiet and not one to yell. "Y/N? You need to come here," You best friend said quietly fighting a few tears. You could tell something was wrong with her.

"What is it?" You noticed she had your phone. "Who is it?" She handed you the phone.

Putting the phone to your ear you began, "Andrew you son of a bitch! You're late to our wedding how could you-"

"Miss, we regret to inform you that your fiancé has been hurt," some random woman spoke on the other line.

Time felt frozen, your heart physically started to hurt and your brain couldn't process what was happening. "He's been in a car accident miss. I'm so sorry."

Your hand clutched your chest and you collapsed to your knees unable to breath. The tears started to blur your vision and your sobs filled the beach with sound. "No, no, no. That can't be right. He can't be hurt."

"We have to go to the hospital now y/n, okay?" y/f/n spoke softly. She then proceeded to inform everyone else at the wedding. You couldn't hear her, instead all you could hear was the last thing Andrew said to you.

"I can't wait for tomorrow. It's going to be the best day of my life, and the start of our new one together," he smiled and kissed you softly.

"I know baby, I'm excited too. My dress is gorgeous." You told him.

"It's only gorgeous when you're wearing it," he smiled.

You giggled a little, "I love you. And I'll see you tomorrow at 1pm."

"See you tomorrow at 1pm."

Your brain kept replaying the conversation over and over. You needed to figure out word for word what was said, you said I love you. Did he?

Wiping tears you collected your emotions together. It isn't important if he said it back, it's important that he knows you loved him.

Someone helped you off the ground. From this point onwards it's mostly a blur. To the best of your memory it was Jonathan Toews who helped you up with the help of y/f/n.

Once you arrived at the hospital it all slowly becomes clearer. There was a sign saying ICU. The nurse took you down that hall. The  suddenly your staring at a room with someone in it.

With Andrew in it.

"Can I go inside?" You whispered.

The nurse opened the door for you, "of course."

There was a chair next to the bed that you sat in. "Andrew, I love you so much."

Y/f/n was in the room with you for moral support. "I can go if you want to be alone."

You looked at Andrew with the tube down his throat and wires attached everywhere. "I need to be alone."

The door quietly shut behind her as she left.

"Andrew," your tears started to form in your eyes. "This is another one of your pranks right? I mean your going to pop up fine and alive right?" The hopelessness was evident in your voice.

Some part of you wanted to say something. People could hear you when their in a coma which made you hopeful.

"Andrew. You have been the best thing to happen to me in a long time. You have been the most important person in my life for years now, and that feels amazing to say. Andrew and y/n Shaw. That's who we will be after today, and I love to think it yas a great ring to it. I wish I could be here today and tell you for better or worse and all those other things, but I won't because we already go through the good and bad together and there's no sense in giving up now. I could say through sickness and health, but we have been there for eachother through the sickness and health. Baby I love you to Mars and back. I say Mars not moon because I know how the childish part of you believes in Martians. But I'm okay with that part of you, I don't want you to grow up and be a square. I marrying the man you are today, not the man people expect you to turn into. I'm marrying the one who loves pranks and jokes, the immature one. I love that guy, so don't try and change for me and our marriage and I can promise you I'm not going to change either. That's something I can say today, I promise to never change and to always be the girl you've fallen in love with. To always be the y/n you're love with now if you'll always be the Andrew I'm in love with now." Your tears were flowing down your cheeks.

"So I'm asking you now to do one thing," your voice whispered despite the lack of anyone else in the room. "Live through this. Don't you dare die on me now, not today. You're not allowed to die until we're old and wrinkly and playing lame pranks on eachother." Your hand grasped his tightly. "Don't die on me Andrew."

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