Auston Matthews

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long time no update! So sorry! Hope it's enjoyable! And thank you to all of you who vote or comment! This book is inching closer to 6000 votes each day which is crazy!! So thank you thank you thank you!!!
Also I almost want to do this as a book, but I have like no time to write!! :(

Anyways, enjoy!
Remember to comment and vote!!

You sighed as Steph tried to convince you to go with her for the night so you could get to know her boyfriends teammates. The two of you had been friends since you both could remember so to her, it mattered what you thought of her boyfriend and the people he was around.

"Is Auston going to be there?" You asked nonchalantly, scrolling through instagram and coming across of promotional photo of him and some other teammates on the leafs instagram.

"Probably," She answered, running a brush through her hair as she continued to get ready.

"Then I'd rather not," you replied, looking up to see a somewhat disappointed Steph. "What? You know I have no problem with Mitch, or William, or Kasperi but I really don't like Auston."

"But-" Steph started to speak but you continued.

"Do you remember when he greeted me the first time we met? Like I was just some chick hanging around to get fucked!" It irritated you since you had a boyfriend at the time, and that you were never the kind of girl to just hang around looking for someone to screw.

"Okay but that's one person! Just come? I'll tell Mitch to keep Auston and you like totally separate!" Steph pleaded. "I just feel like we haven't seen each other recently! Please," she smiled trying to convince you.

Giving her an eye roll and a small, somewhat forced smile, you agreed to go.

Later on that night you were surprisingly having a pretty good time at the party Mitch had been throwing. There were some friends of his from before he was on the Leafs who had been invited even, some of these people you hadn't seen since going to OHL games with Steph.

She had done a pretty good job keeping Auston on the opposite side of the room from you. You did lose her in the crowd, or rather you assumed you had "lost" her; she had probably run off to steal a private moment with Mitch.

"Y/N?" an all too familiar voice rang out while you were grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Oh, uh hey Matt," You swallowed and opened the canned cooler immediately hoping to down the whole thing. It had been a while since you had broke up with him, almost a year, but it didn't end well. He had some anger issues to work out, which was why you broke up with him; he didn't take it well so being cornered in a room with him, somewhat alone was uncomfortable.

He reached across and had grabbed ahold of your wrist, tighter than you would have liked, "Funny seeing you here!" He smiled and you forced yourself to smile back.

"Yeah," you coughed and set your drink on the counter, placing your hand over his where he held your arm. "You're grabbing me a little tight Matt-" You whispered to avoid drawing attention to yourself. "Please Matt, let go."

His smile faltered for a moment, "Do you know how heartbroken I was- You broke up with me out of no where!" His voice got loud.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2019 ⏰

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