Ryan Spooner

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Word Count: 1600+


The pole for the tent didn't seem to want to stay in the ground, making you groan in frustration. "Ryan! This tent is not an easy thing to do!" You yelled for him as he slammed the trunk of your SUV shut.

"You having some trouble?" He teased as you tried to keep the tent from caving in on itself.

Sighing a little you nodded and Ryan dropped your bags on the grass near your tent and helped.

He was able to keep the tent poles in place and you kept the middle of the tent up, making it way easier with two people than one. You managed to get a piece of foam in the tent, that way it wasn't super uncomfortable when you two were going to bed later that night.

It took about 10 minutes but the tent went in place. You held you hand up and Ryan high fived you like the dorks you two were.

Ryan quickly pecked your lips before picking up the two bags. He dusted the dirt off of them and grabbed a wind breaker out of his bag. It had rained early this morning making it a little damp and chilly.

He set you bag inside the tent next to his, figured it would be easier to have them close in the middle of the night. Getting up to try and get to the car would be a difficult task.

You grabbed a couple logs of fire wood from the trunk and brought them over to a makeshift fire pit. Ryan really just put a bunch of rocks in a circle.

The two of you had bought some cooking utensils you could use for cooking over a fire. Which sounded like a plan to you at the moment since your stomach was ready to growl from hunger. They had been packed in your bag so you opened the tent to get them.

"Ry, can you grab the chicken legs from the car?" You asked and set on of the pans on a plastic sheet you laid out. It would make life easier if the pans and such were getting covered in dirt.

You were thankful some of the wood had been chopped into smaller pieces. Everything around you was damp and would never take to fire. You set up the fire and used a sheet of newspaper Ryan brought over with the food.

The wood took a few moments but eventually it lit. Starting a nice fire. You two had bought plenty of wood and even your own chairs to sit in. Ryan was happy to set those up while you prepared food to cook.

Chicken over a fire was the best tasting in your opinion.

It took Ryan less time to set up the chairs than it did you to prepare the food. When you finished you sat next to him in your own chair. The food was placed on a small rack over the fire and was cooking away.

"I'm starving," Ryan said while reaching for your hand to hold it. "But I'm betting you did a fantastic job. You always do."

Smiling you thanked him before turning to just watch the flame. The two of you arrived to a decent camping spit at around mid afternoon meaning by this time the sun was going to start setting soon.

"We should put the extra food back in the car. Hopefully bears won't come to try and eat it," You joked and brought the food to your car.

When you walked back over Ryan was checking on the chicken legs to make sure they weren't burning before taking them off the fire. "They are 100% cooked."

You smiled and took them from him and grabbed a couple of paper plates. The two of you divided the chicken legs and sat next to one another with a case of beer between you two.

You grabbed a beer out of the case and sipped on it as you ate the chicken legs, Ryan almost always complimenting your cooking after every bite.

You smiled to yourself as the two of you talked about whatever came to mind. This was the first real trip the two of you took together. Other than this you had only gone on dates around Boston.

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