Patrice Bergeron

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Word Count: 1900+


Taking a seat you relaxed on the couch. Drink in hand, Sushi in the other. You set the food on the table infront of the couch and slowly picked away at it.

There was a small bang of something down the hallway which made you jump a little, that was until you heard the pitter-patter of small feet. Maelee your 3 year old came running as fast as her stubby little legs could take her. "Mommy! Look at Barbies new truck! I put a sticker on it for her that says her name!"

"That's so cool Maelee, it's on the perfect spot!" You congratulated your daughter.

It was just the two of you today, after all your husband Patrice went out to meet with a couple teammates and their wives. You insisted he go despite him wanting to stay home to take care of you.

When you woke up you ended up throwing up at 5 am. Though you knew it wasn't the flu like your husband believe, but infact morning sickness.

You've known you have been pregnant for a month or two now, just haven't been able to find a creative way to tell Patrice.

Finally you figured out what you wanted to do. You went out and bought a baby's hockey jersey, and a shirshy that you had custom made... On the backs it said "Baby Bergeron" and then the number 2.

Before you sat down with your sushi, you were actually doing a fine wrapping job on the surprise. As a bonus though, you also got a mini hockey stick and helmet.

"Mommy, where's daddy?" Maelee asked. Your daughter looked a lot like you, same face structure, same body type; but her attitude was all Patrice, even her voice managed to have a slight little french sound too it despite growing up in Boston.

She has long, curly, strawberry blonde hair. A few freckles dot her face, and her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue. All you, she resembled you in a lot of photos from when you were her age.

"Daddy's just out with friends for the day," you explained as Maelee jumped up on the sofa.

"He will be home for dinner right?"

"Yes dear, no more hockey until September! That means more time you can spend with daddy!" You cheered a little. It was exciting having him home now because of the off season. Though it was obvious how sad he was that the Bruins missed the playoffs.

You smiled at your daughter pulling her closer and cuddling with her on the couch. "So Daddy gonna be home a lot?" Maelee asked.

You nodded and kissed her temple, "Mmhm. Say Maelee, want to help Mummy surprise daddy after he gets home?"

Maelee's pigtails bobbed up and down fast, she was eager for something to do. Maelee yawned, which caused you too yawn.

You tried to stay focused on the television, on whatever talk show was on. All repeats from the night before. It looked like it could be Jimmy Fallon repeat but you weren't really that interested in the show.

Before you realized it, you were passed out on the couch with Maelee.


The ever so slight slam of the door woke you from your nap. Being a light sleeper, it seemed even Patrice getting in bed late from a road trip would wake you. It didn't matter how quiet he was because everything woke you up.

"Shit... I'll call you back Milan, I just got in the door," You heard the familiar voice, with the ever so slight french twinge to it.

Despite almost losing the French accent due to living outside Quebec for so long, it seems if he gets excited or swears you can still pick out that French accent. It's really quite adorable.

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