Beau Bennett

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Figured after the sad Crosby one I'd make you all happier. Idea cred to dance_fandoms

Don't forget to check out my other books on my profile.
I have a finished Corey Crawford fanfiction and an ongoing Gallagher one. Warnings for both:you may experience feels.

Make sure you check out those fanfictions!

Aight, yall are cool and I love you you guys!


Word Count: 900+

For a while now most of your YouTube subscribers had been asking for you to do a boyfriend/girlfriend tag video. After new broke about your relationship with Beau, tons of his fangirls followed you on every social media, as well as subscribing to your channel.

Beau carried a bag of pies into his backyard. You were going to finally film this video.

"So basically we ask questions and if we get them wrong, we shove a pie in the persons face?" He asked and sat with you in a cheap lawn chair.

You nodded, "The pie isn't a technical requirement but makes it a lot more fun to film."

Turning on your camera you explained why Beau was with you then proceeded to explain the pie situation.

"Okay so I'm going to start off with an easy question for you Beau," You smiled and turned to him. "Where was I born?"

He looked at you and thought for a moment, "In a hospital."

You started to laugh and reached for a pie. "Gotta be specific man."

He looked between you and the pie panicked. "Uh- I- In- uh- CANADA!" He burst out and stared at you. By this point you had the lid of the pie off.

"Where in Canada?"

He froze and just stared at you. He opened his mouth to say something and you immediately shoved the lemon pie into his face. He actually had to take a moment to eat what ended up in his mouth.

"I was going to say Ottawa," He laughed.

"Well you were wrong anyways," You turned towards the camera. "Beau would you ask me a question now?"

He smiled, "Well lover, where was I born?"

You couldn't help but laugh, "I actually pay attention when you tell me things. Gardena, California, USA."

"Can I shove a pie into your face anyways?"

"No lover. Okay my turn," You both had questions prepped so you reached into your question box. "Where did we meet?"

He smiled, "At this street corner- Okay I'm going to re word this so I don't sound like I'm implying you're a prostitute. I ran into you with like eight coffees while going to practice and spilled all eight boiling drinks on you."

"What street?"

He looked at you through the whipped cream, "are you fricken serious? I don't even think you know what street."

"You're right, I don't!" You laughed and brushed a piece of pie off his shoulder.

He already had a piece of paper with his question. "What's my middle name?"

You stared for a moment and went to say a name before stopping yourself. "I don't think you've even mentioned your middle name once."

"It's on Wikipedia though," He smirked and opened the pie.

You held up a hand and thought for a moment. "It's it like Ethan?"

His response was shoving the pie in your face. All you could taste was the whipped cream, and a strawberry that ended up in your mouth. It took you a moment to wipe enough residue off your face so you could see.

"Pie was a bad idea. It's really messy," You laughed and chose your next question.

Beau reached over and pulled you closer to him. "I have a shower that fits two people we can use later," He winked and you started to laugh.

You threw the paper away. "What are three types of food I hate?"

He thought for a moment. "You hate pickles, mayonnaise and cream cheese?"

"Nope. One of those things is wrong," You smirked and reached for a pie.

"Wait! It's not cream cheese but the other thing!" He held up a hand.

He was looking down which gave you the perfect opportunity to shove the pie right into his face when he looked up.

"Sour cream. It was sour cream," He stated as he wiped pie off his face.

You nodded. "I guess I prematurely pie'd you."

He reached for his next question while wiping away pie from his eyes. "When did you meet my family?"

"Oh come on that is not fair. I met them for like 3 hours one night." You moved away from him.

"Alls fair in love and war lover," He smiled evilly and opened one of the remaining pies.

"Shit fuck." You whispered to yourself as you thought about when exactly you met his parents. "It was after that one hockey game-" Your head turned towards him and all you saw was whipped cream topping. "Mm lemon," You spoke after a moment."

Beau leaned in a kissed you quickly, then licked his own lips. "I taste coconut."

"It think I hit you with a coconut last time you dork," You explained to him.

He smiled to himself before trying to wipe more pie off his face.

"I feel sticky," He complained a little.

You laughed, "I think that is all for today's video my friends!" You brought the camera closer. "So from Beau and I, we bid you a farewell!"

"Don't forget to like follow or whatever that's called on YouTube!" Beau yelled out.

You sighed and faced him. "Babe it's subscribe."

"Is it?"

You nodded, "it is."

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