Patrick Kane

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Word Count: 3900+


Time started to slow down, it seemed like your heart stopped beating. You closed the laundry room door, and leaned against it. It was only seconds before your knees gave out from under you. The ground slowly rose up towards you as you fell to the ground, tears free flowing from your eyes. You were greatful for the tears that blurred your vision, after all your blurred vision meant not seeing the small piece of fabric in your hands.

"He couldn't do this," You whispered to your self shaking you head.

It was completely incomprehensible. It was his travel bag; you had taken his clothes from out from it to wash them... That's when slutty McThong made her star appearance. It was one you didn't own, it wasn't yours.

You heard the shower going upstairs. After leaving his laundry out, you ran upstairs. Calmly, you laid the article of clothing out on the bed. Quickly, you grabbed a suitcase out of the closet and started throwing clothes into it. A pile of clothes on hangers and dumped a drawer worth of sleepwear into the suitcase.

Slamming the case of clothes closed, you zipped it up and carried it downstairs. You grabbed a note pad from the top of the fridge and quickly jotted "hope she was worth it. -Y/N"

You smiled a little, laughing through your hurt emotions. You climbed the stairs slowly, and heart achingly and left the note on the bed next to your house key and the thong. After staring for a minute, you heard the shower shut off in the bathroom connected to your shared bedroom.

It snapped you out of your thoughts and as you were leaving the room you spun the ring on your finger. It was a small inner debate you had before you took that off and left it with the other items.

"Y/N! Babe! I don't have a towel can you bring me one?" Patrick yelled from the shower.

Hearing his voice brought tears to your eyes again, so you ran. You ran all the way downstairs and grabbed your coat and suitcase, slipping on a random pair of shoes.

"Y/N? You're home right?" You could hear him yell as he opened the bathroom door. "Y/N? Where are yo-" He stopped talking abruptly, and in the back of you mind you knew he found the collection of items on the bed.

Desprate not to see him, you slammed the front door and ran to your car. You were sure he would have seen the key, panties, note and your engagement ring by now.

Slamming your car door shut you shoved the key in and turned it starting the car. It was only a glance, but you looked at your suitcase... this was really happening.

"Y/N! WAIT!" Patrick yelled running outside in his track pants shirtless.

You caught his eye and slowly shook your head. It took every muscle in your body to pull out of the driveway but you did. You truely were leaving him behind.

You saw him stand and watch you leave, gripping what looked like everything you left behind. He stood on your front porch and watched you leave.

Tears were stinging your eyes, you thought he was your forever and now it was all over. 3 years of your life wasted; wasted on some chick who didn't mean anything to him. Some chick who wasn't his fiancée.

You drove all the way across town, to the opposite side of Chicago, and knocked on a door. Tear filled eyes and all, you knocked on that door hoping this person wasn't mad at you.

"Y/N? Why are yiu crying? Oh my gosh, quick come inside," Patricks teammate Andrew Shaw asked worried. He was someone you always had known. You grew up around him until he started really focusing on hockey. That's where you drew the line, you didn't want to date a hockey player back then and you weren't sure why you did now.

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