Tyler Seguin

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okay so this is a mess??? I am sorry for this mess of a plot? Like i straight up have no idea what the fuck happened but enjoy i guess 😂

oh and it's unedited so like hopefully it is readable haha

Also this like imagine was requested like ages ago. I don't even think the user who requested it still had an account but the request was "a sad Seguin imagine where he/you get hurt"
So you're all warned lmao. I have a thing for writing things involving hospitals since I got myself caught up on Grey's Anatomy today.

Being a nurse was the job you had always wanted; growing up, you always wanted to be a nurse and help people. That was your calling and you were happy with it. For years now you had been working in a hospital in Dallas, living with your boyfriend Tyler.

Neither one of you was in a rush to plan a wedding, so marriage wasn't something huge for you. You had been with him for almost 4 years. You had met during his first season playing for the Stars and the rest is history.

"So babe," you started a conversation over dinner. "I have to talk to you about a career opportunity."

"What opportunity?" he asked. The two of you were just eating leftovers from the previous night.

"Well Sarah, she called me a while back with a job offer, I did the interview for it this week, and they want me," You started off. Tyler seemed intent on listening which you appreciated. He took the fact that you had a career, just like him, seriously. "If I accept, I get a raise and promotion immediately. If everything goes well over the next three months I'm promoted again to Head Nurse."

"That sounds like a great deal," Tyler smiled.

You sighed. "I'm Chicago."

"What?" Tyler set his fork down. "Chicago?"

"The jobs in Chicago," You brought it up again.

"No," He shrugged and went back to eating.

You raised your eyebrows. "No?" You repeated him. "It's my job."

"It's our life," he pointed out. "How do we have a life together if you're in Chicago and I'm here?"

"This is a huge chance for me-" you started to argue.

"I said no, I don't agree with you moving to Chicago!" He shook his head.

"Well what about if you're ever traded. I don't get a say in that- In fact you would probably expect me to just get a job wherever you're traded too!" You yelled now. "If I can't control your career, why the hell should you control mine?"

He laughed. "I don't understand why we're still talking about this. Your not getting a job in Chicago. I'm sorry it's not happening."

"The hell I'm not- I haven't turned it down yet," you stopped eating. Too mad to eat.

"Me, or this new job," he leaned back in his chair.

"What?" You stared at him. Not believing he just gave you an ultimatum. "Want to repeat that?"

"Our relationship," He stared at you from across the table. "Or your job."


It had been months since that last night you shared a meal with him. You had moved out into your own place.

When you told you job what was happening and about the offer in Chicago, things got better for you. Your current job offered you a promotion to head nurse immediately and a higher pay raise than what the other hospital offered. Not moving your life across the country was a bonus.

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