Nathan MacKinnon

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Omg 2 updates in like 2 days what am I doing? I'm trying to be a good update person I guess xD
For some reason I remember the plot someone suggested for this one and I'm just gonna roll with it.
Also this works since the last like 7 have been sad and shit this one isn't sad.

You patiently waited in line for your coffee, along with a muffin for your 6 year old son. The two of you lived in Denver, his father left you a long time ago. That never really bothered you too much, if he couldn't be bothered with the coolest kid ever then that's his decision. Besides you were doing great without him.

Braeden was rambling about the local NHL team and how great it was that they won the other night. He was a huge fan of the Avalanche and an even bigger fan of a Matt Duchene and a Nathan MacKinnon.

One of the things he wants an Avalanche jersey, except he was growing like a weed and you didn't want to waste a lot of money. Instead you stuck to buying him the shirts with players on the backs, shirshy is what you thought they were called. They satisfied him enough, and eventually you would buy him a jersey. It was going to take some time to save up the money for one, but maybe this Christmas you would be able to get him one of those players.

"Mommy, oh my gosh!" Braeden whispered and tugged on your sweater. "Mommy!"

The Starbucks Barista was calling your name so you quickly dismissed you son for a moment and grabbed your coffee and his muffin. "Here's your muffin Brae, can you hold it while we walk to the car?"

"Mommy wait! Look who's in line over there!" he pointed to a man about six feet tall in an adult size jacket the same as your sons. They both appeared to be fans of the same hockey team.

You moved to the sitting side of the shop and crouched down to your sons height, which was tall for his age. "Yes that man has the same coat as you Braeden, I can see that. A lot of people do."

"No Mommy, he's a hockey player," His smile went ear to ear. "For the Avs Mommy!"

You took a second look at the man and realized that your son might be right. It was hard to remember the photos, but your son always enjoyed pointing out who was who during a game. "Maybe he will give you an autograph if you ask? And you should tell him how you want to grow up and be a hockey player like him. I have a sharpie in my purse..." You dug through your purse momentarily before finding it. "Here, get him to sign your shirt underneath maybe? If it's his number on the back!"

Braeden looked nervous and stared for a moment before confidently marching over to where this guy was standing. Your son failed to mention which player it was but when he took off his coat for the guy to sign he seemed impressed with your sons shirt choice.

"Mr. MacKinnon, I really really like you as a player. I think your super duper amazing!" Your son praised him as he signed the jacket.

"I think you are a super duper amazing fan. Great choice in shirshy's too!" The MacKinnon guy went along with your son.

"I'm gonna grow up and be a hockey player just like you someday!" Braeden cheered a little.

"Oh really? What's your name? How old are you?" He asked and seemed genuinely interested in Braeden. You sat in a chair and sipped on your coffee.

"My name is Braeden and I'm six!" he said enthusiastically while holding up 6 fingers.

The guy heard his name called and quickly grabbed his coffee before returning to his conversation with Braeden. "Where's your mom or dad?"

Braeden pointed to you and you gave a small wave in their direction. Nathan then whispered something to Braeden. He nodded happily and put his signed jacket on before running over to you.

"Hey honey, was that fun?" You asked alead knowing the answer.

"It was amazing! He is so so nice and he signed my shirt and coat!" Braeden tried to contain his excitement. "Oh and he also told me to tell you that he thinks you're beautiful!" Braeden whisper yelled.

You could feel your cheeks get hot, and knew you were blushing. Not to many people call you hot anymore because you always have your son around you. Instinctively you looked up and saw him, somehow that was his cue to walk over.

"Hey, I'm Nathan." He greeted you and stuck out his hand. "I couldn't help but notice how young you look to be the mother of a six year old."

He made you blush a little more, "My names Y/N and I had Braeden when I was 16. That's why I look young, because I am young."

Nathan looked a little surprised, not the reaction you usually got from people. Normally you received the 'you trashy whore' look. You made one mistake at a young age and something amazing came out of it. So slowly you cared less and less about what people thought.

"Well Braeden here is a great kid, you're doing a fantastic job as a single mom?" he asked the question slightly hopeful.

"Single mom," you nodded to answer his question.

He smiled a little, "Well how would you like to go out sometime?"

"Are you asking me on a date Nathan?" You smiled little making him blush.

"It doesn't have to be a date. I might be able to get you two tickets to a game, and maybe afterwards the three of us would be able to hang out?" He smiled hopeful and his cheeks were still red.

It truly warmed your heart that he would even consider doing that for you, "I would love to go out sometime Nathan." You told him and handed over your phone.

He did the same as you exchanged numbers. It was quite adorable when Braeden spoke up out of the blue, "Does this mean we will see a hockey game Mom? Or even better, get to see Nathan and meet other players!!"

You shrugged your shoulders and looked between Braeden and Nathan. "I sure hope so buddy."

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