Vladislav Kamanev

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Wow an update!!!! I'm truly shocked myself! Anyways enjoy!
(Also keep an eye open because requests may open up again soon!!)

You claimed your luggage at the airport and found your boyfriend with his not far away. Feeling out of place you wanted to stick with Vlad. His parents arranged for a driver to pick them up so Vlad wouldn't have to drive after the long flight.

Vlad found the driver in the crowd of people and the two of you were led to the car in the parking lot.

Russia was a big country and you were travelling to see his family. His family didn't know a lot of English, so you tried to learn some Russian leading up to arriving in Orsk. Simple words like 'hello' or a phrase like 'how are you?'.

Vlad had did as best he could to learn English for you. He had travelled to the states for shoulder surgery, which is how you met.

He kept trying to impress you with learning more and more English while on bed rest. Eventually he was able to ask you out on a coffee date, which you happily accepted since he was being checked out of the hospital.

The two of you had been dating since April, and now it was mid August. It seemed like a short period of time, but he had met your parents and now you needed to meet his.

"I'm nervous Vlad," You told him as you sat in a car with him, you were around the corner from his parents house.

He looked slightly confused, so you recorded your sentence. "Scared. I'm scared."

He understood what you said after a moment, "Mom and dad will like you."

"But what if I mess up? Make them not like me?" You worried.

He grabbed your hand and held it comforting you. "They will love you."

You weren't sure, he loved his parent obviously- but part of you figured they wanted him to date someone who spoke the same language as him and his family.

"I'll barely be able to talk to them, I don't speak enough Russian," You tried to put your fears in the simplest English you could.

"I like you, they will like you," He smiled in your direction as the car pulled into a driveway. He quickly kissed you before getting out of the car.

You took a deep breath before getting out as well. What you had seen of Russia as the car drove by was beautiful. Vladislav had really grown up in a beautiful city.

He grabbed both bags from the trunk, he wanted to carry yours for you but you refused since he still needed to be careful with his shoulder. You in fact ended up with his bag.

Following your boyfriend you ended up inside. Him calling out both his parents names to be met with words spoken in a language you hadn't heard. Before your shoes were even off both his parents met you both at the front door.

They seemed to be happy to see there son, engulfing him in hugs before his mother addressed you. All you heard was a mumble of words with your name mixed in. You could only assume she asked if this was you, his girlfriend.

He nodded and she immediately hugged you, you did your best to hug back but being caught off gaurd you couldn't. Not while holding bags at least.

She smiled and lead you down a hallway, presumably to the room you would both be in. "From USA?" His mother asked.

"Uh, yes. I'm from Nashville," You told her.

"Vladislav play in Nashville," she was trying to make conversation. It seemed his mother knew some English but she was uncomfortable speaking it.

You set the bags on a bed once she showed you to a room with a pretty massive bed. Bigger than the one at your place in Nashville.

You took a moment to freshen up and change, after all you spent the better part of a day on a plane. It definitely wouldn't hurt to change.

After a moment of freshening up Vlad poked his head in the room. "My mom really likes you. Says you're very pretty." He smiled and approached you.

The smile on your face was immediate. You had worried for a bit that they would hate you but they didn't. "I told her that I think you're very pretty as well," Vlad complimented you.

You smiled and quickly kissed him, knowing that this trip was going to be good.

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