Lawson Crouse

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Another quick update (sorry for the shortness!) to hopefully make up for the lack of updates. I forgot to mention in the previous update, but if you're interested I'm going to start writing a small collection of short stories about mental illness. If you have the time check out the first one on my profile!

Can I also say that Crouse is adorable? Cause he is omg.

Word Count: 800


Any photos of the Bell Centre definitely do not do it justice in your opinion. The place was a fricken Hockey Palace. It also happened to be littered with Habs fans.

You were proudly dressed in a Florida Panthers jersey as you walked the corridors with a Cola and some cotton candy.

"Are you excited?" Lawson's mother turned to ask you.

You nodded, "Probably no where near as excited as you though!"

She laughed as you two made your way to the seats. They were complimentary from the team, specifically for your long time boyfriends first game.

He was about to play his first ever shift in the NHL, you couldn't be more proud.

"I'm happy you two have stayed together. You're good for one another," His mom complimented you.

His dad who sat in the middle spoke up. "I couldn't imagine any other girl being here."

It has felt like ages of dating Lawson. He asked you out before he was even in the OHL. It was adorable. You had spent the better part of his more professional hockey career with him.

The OHL draft you were with him. His very first game in the Ontario Hockey League. The NHL draft where he couldn't believe his dream was coming true. You remembered him fighting off tears as he hugged you after his parents. Then there was this moment to top it all off. His first ever NHL game was about to start.

"I'm so happy for him. He's following his dream, it's inspiring." You stated as the lights in the Bell Centre dimmed. They were about to start the game.

The introduced Montréal's starting goalie; the God, Carey Price. Followed by everyone else in the first line and first defensive pairing.

The Panthers received nothing but boy's when the fans noticed them skating out onto the ice.

You could see your boyfriend from where he stood on the bench. Proudly standing for the American anthem. He seemed to stand taller when he heard his own country's anthem.

If he was nervous you couldn't tell from where you stood.

He looked calm and composed.

Then the puck dropped and he excitedly awaited him first shift.

You could barely believe this was happening. He was an emergency call up at the last minute. You rushed out to Montréal with his parents.

Louder than ever you cheered when he stepped on the ice. Calling his name out.

His first shot came during his first shift form a nice feed from Jagr. Lawson's father high-fived you before the two of you realized he was stopped by Price, right in the slot.

Before you realized it the game was tied at 1 and going to the first intermission.

Apart of you knew, realistically the odds of scoring a goal in his first game were slim. The other part knew there was that slim chance.

You could feel your phone vibrate in your pocket. Confused you pulled it out to see Lawson calling.

"Hey!" He said into the phone. There was almost no background noise where he was.

"Hey, you look great out there," You didn't have to yell really, a lot of people went for bathroom breaks during intermission.

"You saw my shot?" You could practically hear him smiling.

"I thought it was a goal," You admitted. "I even high-fived your dad before realizing it wasn't one."

He chuckled. "Well maybe I'll net on for you tonight."

You smiled before choosing your motivate him. "I want you to get one for yourself before me."

He hung up after you two exchanged the "I love you's". The second period was nearing it's start.

By the end of the third, the Panthers won 2-1. The second goal happened when Lawson wasn't on the ice. He had a few really exceptional scoring chances. He definitely had impressed his coaches. No doubt about that.

He met up with the three of you at the end of the game. His hair still damp from a shower.

"Late dinner anyone?" He smiled.

You nodded, while instead his parents opted to turn in and go to their hotel rooms.

It had been a while since seeing Lawson in person. He had been playing for Florida's AHL team, last season was his last in Kingston.

You happened to stumble upon a McDonald's. Each of you choosing to get a caramel sundae.

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