Jonathan Toews

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Word count: 900+ (Sorry it's so short!)


was a colder morning in Chicago. The temperature was starting to drop as winter approached, the only good thing about winter was that it doubled as hockey season.

You were going to be late too work so you grabbed the closest sweater, which just so happened to be your Jonathan Quick jersey. You were a huge Kings fan ever since you could remember.

You grew up in Winnipeg, Canada. The home of one of your favourite hockey players. Johnathan Toews. It's a shame he has to go and be a superstar on the Hawks, not the Kings.

You run out the door, and leave your apartment building, sprinting out the front door. You weren't all the cold because the jersey was really warm.

You dashed through the crowds of people as you thought about the game tonight. It was a coincidence that the Kings and Hawks actually played each other.

You tried really hard to get tickets, it never seems to work out though. You wished you could afford tickets, but thats a luxury you can't afford.

You reach the small, family owned coffee shop that you always buy a coffee from in the mornings. You wait in line, there was only two men around your age waiting in line.

And man were they fit. Like really muscular. You could tell through their thin jackets.

You heard them starting to place their orders and began searching through your purse for your wallet.

"Damn it where is it," you whisper and start walking forward as the cashier calls for the next person in line.

You continue rifling through your person when you hit what feels like a brick wall and fall over. Landing on your butt and having your papers fall out of your purse and scatter all over the floor. Luckily the persons coffee didn't get all over your jersey.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to run into you!" The voice of a man says. You swear you have heard that voice before.

The person gets down on the ground to help you gather your papers and contents of your purse, including your phone.

That's when you get your first good look at the guy.

Jonathan Toews.

"Holy crap! You're fricken Jonathan Toews!" You exclaim, then look up to the other man who was with him, "and you're Patrick Kane!"

They both laugh, as Patrick helps you up off the ground and Jonathan carefully puts everything in your purse neatly.

"Well, you know who we are. But whats the name of the beautiful girl who wears the ugliest jesery I have ever seen?" Patrick smiles friendly, jokingly.

You blush at the compliment, before stuttering out "Y/N," then you rightfully defend your team, "And another thing, I'll have you know the Kings are a far more superior team compared to the Hawks!" You tell him. Still, your cheeks stay tinted a slight pink.

Patrick makes a 'disgusted face' and holds a hand over his heart, prentending he was offended by your comment.

You motion for them to give you a second while you order your coffee.

"Uh, well here's your bag Y/N. I tried to put all your papers in a neat order after Patrick helped you off the ground," Jonathan stuttered slightly.

You smile and greatfully and take your bag as Jonathan hands you your phone that fell out of your bag, "Thank you so much! You didn't need to do that, I could have. After all it was my fault."

Jonathan smiles, and you think you can see that his cheeks are a little pink, but yoh can't tell for sure, "No really it was my pleasure. I never want to knock over a hockey fan, not even a Kings fan. Now the Kings players are different stories..." Jonathan jokes a little.

Little do you know, that when Patrick had you distracted, Jonathan unlocked your phone since there was no password. He went to your contacts and he added his number. Why? Well, becausw he thought you were beautiful and hoped you would give him a chance. That's why for a minute he stopped being 'captain serious', and tried being friendly, funny, and made a weak attempt at a joke.

The two said good bye since they had a practice to attend, but not after signing you autographs.

You were still shocked at the chance encounter of the two hockey players, that when you unlocked your phone after you got to work you didn't understand why it was opened to your contacts.

Then you saw it. Staring back at you. The name under 'J'.

Jonathan Toews.

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