Steven Stamkos

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Word count: 500+


You were awoken by a repetitive beep. Slowly you moved to sit up before pain shot through your whole body.

"Babe? Hey don't move," You heard Steven say. "It's alright."

You stayed laying down after being comforted by his voice. Then it greatly confused you, "Steven? Shouldn't you be out west on a road trip?"

"Yup," He told you simply. No further explaination.

You lied there more awake and alert. You glanced around and noticed you were in a hospital, "Steven why am I-"

Then it hit you like a truck load of bricks. The baby. You were here, because of it.

Everything started to come back to you now. Watching the game with Lisa, Ben's girlfriend. Then suddenly you had felt a pain in your stomach.

5 months.

That's how far along you had been, 5 months.

You shouldn't have felt the pains you did. They shouldn't have been there.

It was when you started bleeding that you knew something was wrong. Bleeding while pregnant was never a good sign.

You gripped Steven's hand tears forming in your eyes. The baby. Your baby.

You both were going to be parents.

You managed to look over at him. His eyes were bright red and puffy.

"I'm sorry," was all that you could say.

Wow this ones incredible short.
Anyways don't forget to vote if you like it or comment if you want a player!

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