Tyler Seguin [Part 3]

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Aight so thiswas practically begged for so I decided to make it even though I didnt exactly know where to go with it XD basically that's my excuse for when this is shit.

Word count: 500+

You were 8 months pregnant as you waited for Tyler to come home from practice. 8 whole months since you almost left him.

That seemed like a lifetime to you. Tyler told the team not a week after you picked him up from Jamie's house drunk and since then, well he has really matured quite a bit.

He doesn't go out to party every night, and he doesn't leave you sitting alone in restaurants. You'll never know if he actually did cheat, but you've pushed past that because of how Tyler has straighted out his life.

He's really prepared himself for the responsibility of being a dad.

You smiled to yourself as you texted Jamie's girlfriend Sara. Shes nice, quiet and shy, though that will change once one spends time with Jamie.

"Babe? I'm back!" You heard Tyler yell as he closed the front door.

"In here!" You yelled back not moving from the couch. Once you get comfy you don't move because it's been difficult to get comfy with the baby bump.

Tyler walked over, hair still slightly damp from showering, "How has your day been?" He asked pecking your lips.

"It's been good, Sara is a boat load of laughs sometimes. How was practice?"

"It was good. Actually that reminds me, we fly out in a few hours for a 4 game road trip," his smile faultered a little.

"I'll be fine by myself. You know that," You reassured him, and yourself.

He nodded, "I know that... I just can't help but feel you don't trust me when I'm gone..."

You stayed quiet resting a hand on your baby bump. He placed a hand over yours and tilted your head up so your eyes met his. Just then the baby kicked and you both felt it.

"I never want to risk losing you... and my kid... our kid."

It brought a tear to your eye hearing Tylers voice crack, at the thought of losing you. After he almost lost you 8 months ago he made an effort to change and become more responsible.

You leaned forward leaving a soft kiss on his lips, "I know Ty... It will take some time, but I will trust you as much as I did when I moved in with you."

A smile was shared between you two as he reassuringly squeezed your hand before standing up and walking to the room to pack a bag, "I love you." He smiled stopping at the stairs.

"I love you too."

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