Johnny Gaudreau

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I'm going to try and write a few imagines and not post them so that I have them to post when I'm super busy and unable to write after I write this one. Especially since I'm not busy yet but will be in coming weeks :)

Word Count: 1800+


"What if your family hates me?" Johnny asked nervously. "I really don't want them to hate me!"

"Johnny shut up already," You laughed. "They will love you, because I love you."

He kissed your cheek as you continued driving into a fairly wooded area. Your family always had a little reunion thing at your lake house every summer for a week and this year you decided to bring Johnny so everyone could meet him.

He leaned back in his seat and watched as you drove, the trees a green blur as you passed them. He was smiling to himself as you could see the lake in the distance.

You hadn't been in Ontario since Christmas time, so it was a pleasant sight to see the familiar road.

Johnny hadn't really been to Ontario either, only a few times for hockey games. He never had experienced the beauty of northern Ontario. It made you happy when he agreed to come with you.

It was almost your one year anniversary also, which made this trip feel so much more special.

You turned down a long dirt road driveway and Johnny looked over at you nervously. "You're positive your dad isn't going to kill me?"

You softly laughed, "Well I can't promise anything Johnny..." You joked.

He sipped on a bottled water he brought with him for the drive. "I should probably call him sir or something right?"

"Or you can call him his name you know," you told him as you parked the car behind your brothers car. "I'd be more scared of my older brother." Quickly you jumped out of the car and grabbed your bag from the trunk, "He is super over protective."

He looked quite scared as he got out of the car and stood next to you behind the trunk. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulders. "I just don't want them to think I'm some asshole hockey player who plays in the NHL..."

"They aren't going to think that because you aren't an asshole," you assured him and got up on your tip-toes to kiss him quickly. "Let's go inside J."

He smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist as the two of you walked up to the front door. Your parents left the door open for you so you didn't need to worry about knocking. Most likely they were all down by the beach out back anyways.

You slipped your shoes off at the front door, "Anyone inside? It's y/n!" You yelled.

"y/n! I'm in the kitchen!" You heard Gemma, your brothers wife yell.

"I'm going to put my stuff in my bedroom then I'll come downstairs!" You yelled back to her and motioned for Johnny to follow you up a set of stairs.

Before you and your brother were even alive your dad had built this lake house with your uncles. They wanted to do something nice for your late-grandmother. When she passed she left the house to your father, and now every year they made sure to get everyone together around your grandmothers birthday.

Johnny set his bag on a chair in the room, making sure to slip on a sweater since there was a slight breeze. You on the other hand were already wearing a sweater. You dropped your bag onto the bed and grabbed your flip flops out of your bag. You knew you planned on going down to the beach, but not to swim so you stayed dressed in your track pants and Flames hoodie.

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