Anders Lee

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Just want to thank you all again for making this ranked #478 in Fanfiction. Means a lot to me

Much love xoxo, Kate


Word Count: 900+


You walked to your car hugging a file folder in your hand. "What an asshole," you muttered to yourself as you referred to your boss.

He had been giving you more work than you could handle recently and it was killing you.

You unlocked your car from about ten feet away and made your way over. The whole week had you stressed out, and the worst part was your husband was on a road trip with the team.

You were alone and had to come home to two young children who were usually hyper. The babysitter was some teenage kid who payed enough attention to them so they wouldn't end up dead bit didn't care about playing mini sticks or superheroes with them.

The two twin boys you had were adorable and looked exactly like Anders.

Their names were Tate and Tobias, or Toby for short. They were your biggest joy.

Except after stressful days at work, then you just felt like sleeping instead of having to fight to put them to bed.

Anders would be home later tonight, which hopefully meant you would get the weekend to relax a little.

You slipped inside your car and let out a breath you didn't realize you had been holding all day. It took everything in you not to scream at your asshole of a boss today. The only thing that held you back was not wanting to lose your job.

Tired and stressed you started driving home. Your office you worked at was only about 10 minutes away from your house. 

You turned on the radio to hear about the highlights from a game earlier. For some odd reason the Islanders played the Ducks at like 3 in the afternoon Anaheim time. Afternoon games almost never happened on regular Fridays.

You knew your husband would be home at around 3 am, maybe 4. The only thing you could hope for was that he didn't wake your sleeping children.

The traffic was almost non-existent on your way home. It made going home more pleasant when you didn't have to sit and wait in traffic. Most Friday's there was rarely traffic at 11pm. 

You parked your car and grabbed your file folder you brought home from the empty passenger seat along with your purse. Somehow you were tired enough that you didn't realize Anders car in the driveway instead of the garage where he left it last. 

You walked up to the front door and went to unlock it, but were surprised when it was already unlocked. The babysitter, Kayla, always had the door locked. 

"Kayla?" You called out as you closed the door behind you. You slipped your coat off and hung it up after setting your purse on the ground. "Do you need a ride home? I can call a taxi for you."

There was no response which made you think she probably just fell asleep after putting the kids to bed. Slowly you walked into the living room, expecting to see her asleep on the couch. "Kay-"

Stopping you looked around confused. She wasn't asleep on the couch and wasn't responding.

That when you heard something downstairs fall. It sounded like the lamp breaking. Quickly you bolted for the basement door and practically ran down the stairs. Almost tripping down them.

You turned the corner and saw your sons still awake and fighting over the mini stick ball.

Anders was cleaning up the broken lamp in the corner.

Then one of your twins turned to look at you, "Mommy!" Toby yelled happily.

He ran over on his tiny legs and hugged yours tightly. "I missed you today!" He admitted.

"Well I missed you and Tate today buddy," You softly laughed as Anders stood up and set the broken shards of glass out of reach of your kids.

"I wanted to surprise you so I caught an earlier flight back," Anders smiled softly and walked over kissing your cheek.

You smiled, "And also wanted to keep our kids up past their bed times?" You joked.

"They wanted to play hockey, how could I tell them no." He smiled and Tate walked over wanting Anders to pick him up.

You softly laughed, "You paid Kayla right?"

Anders nodded.

"Okay well time to go to bed you two," You told your kids. Toby let go of your legs and backed away. 

"Can we play mini hockey with daddy for five more minutes!" Tate asked while Toby held up four fingers thinking he was holding up five.

Anders gave you look, and tilted his head to the side. It was almost as if he was asking you permission to play for five more minutes too.

Sighing becuase you were outnumbered you nodded. "Okay, but only five minutes you three!" You told them and sat in a recliner you had in your basement.

Tate immediately grabbed the goalie stick and got back in the net, "I gonna be Carey Price this time!" He said proudly.

Anders playfully gasped, "But daddy doesn't play for the Habs!"

"But Price is good too daddy!" Tate retaliated making your husband chuckle.

Toby grabbed a players mini stick, "If Tate is Price, I wanna be Jonathan Toes!"

"It's Toews sweetheart," You carefully corrected your son who simply shrugged.

"I'm still awesome!" He exclaimed and grabbed the ball and stick handled as best he could. 

Your husband playfully poke checked your son and missed as he 'tried' to steal the soft ball from your son.

You simply sat back and watch the three most important men in your life, completely forgetting about the broken lamp and your crap day at work.

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