Vladimir Tarasenko

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Kinda short. Sorry to whoever requested this one.

Wanna say a quick thanks to all of you because currently this book is ranked #478 in Fanfiction!! I never thought it would be ranked in the top 1000 since there are so many band fanfics out there so thank you! 478 is fantastic ily all!!

Word Count: 1000+


You left a quick note in the middle of the bed. It was your husband's  birthday and you were planning a surprise party for him.

The team had an "optional practice" this afternoon, and you knew if you weren't home he would attend it.

Instead you were planning a bit of a birthday date to go skating with the team at the Scottrade Center. Almost everyone of his teammates were showing up with their families.

As for a gift you had the ultimate surprise for him.

You were pregnant.

The two of you wanted kids for a while now, even had to see a fertility doctor. She was able to help you since your fertility didn't seem to be so great.

The two of you made it work finally after over a year of sticking fertility drugs into your body, you finally were pregnant.

He was going to be ecstatic, so you left him a note saying you'd be out with the girls for the day.

Not even once mentioning his birthday.

There wasn't a lot of set up to do, but you brought the cake with you to the Scottrade Center and made sure you packed your cheesy gift for him. Of course you had brought a pair of skates with you and wore a sweater over top of a custom shirt you had made.

It made you excited and the more and more you just wanted to tell him about the baby. You found out a week ago and didn't tell him because you figured it was easily the best birthday present ever.

You were greeted in the underground parking where you parked as far away from Vladimir's spot as possible. It happened that you and Alex showed up at the same time.

"Hey you," He greeted you and walked with you into the arena. "How's things been?"

"Great actually. I've been waiting to give him his gift for over a week," You admitted.

"It must be sex," Alex teased. "We did just come back from a 6 day road trip."

You shook your head, "It's not that you perv."

You met up with a few other player and wives who had happily decorated the little sitting room the team had. There was a banner and ballons and you yourself were surprised they started without you.

It did warm your heart to see your hockey family united though. All the people in this room were your family as much as Vladimir was.

You all spent time together, while none of you even texted as much as a "hello" to your husband.

He was going to have no clue what was going on when he arrived for his optional practice.

Which would be soon, so getting everyone's attention you all went to lace up your skates.

You even arranged for music to be played so it would draw his attention away from getting all his equipment on to going straight to the ice.

It took about twenty minutes but eventually everyone was laced up and having a great time. Alex was on watch for him, when he was in the building he'd call you. Especially since his parking spot is so close to his, he just waited in his car and pretended to go about his business.

That's when your phone started to ring and you organized everyone so you could all surprise him.

You paid the lighting guy and sound extra to come in for this, but it was worth it.

The lights were shut off but not the music.

Then you could see a figure walking towards you down the dressing room hallway confused.

The music was on but no lights, "Am I on some prank thing Alex because I swear-" You could hear him say before the lights flicked on and everyone yelled surprise out of sync.

He looked genuinely surprised which was the goal.

"Happy Birthday baby," You skated over too the bench and gave him a kiss.

He chuckled, "I thought everyone forgot!"

"We all remembered. Now I have a present for you, open up the box." You said and pointed to it on the bench.

Vladimir sat on the bench and made room for you to sit with him as everyone went back to skating.

"You're going to love it," You told him as he opened up a box.

It looked like a simple black tee shirt until he turned it around.

"I'm a cool dad with a cooler kid!"

He looked at you confused and all he did was point to your stomach a little. "Are you?"

You nodded and unzipped your sweater to show a matching top, "I'm a cool mom with a cooler kid!" The only difference was yours had a smile where your stomach is.

He hugged you tightly as if this were the last time he'd ever see you. "I'm can't believe this," He said through his tears."

"Me neither baby," You whispered to him as he let a couple happy tears fall.

He took a deep breath, "We've wanted this for so long and we're finally getting it I can't believe this!" He told you extremely overjoyed.

"I love you," You told him.

He backed out of the hug, "I love you too," He pressed his lips to your softly but full of passion and happiness. "We're having a baby," He said once he pulled out of the kiss.

"We are having a baby," You confirmed that for him again. He was so happy he couldn't process the information. Really though, you couldn't blame him since you barely processed the fact you were pregnant.

The rest of the party was a blast, and he was extremely excited to make an announcement to everyone while they ate cake.

One that made everyone congratulate you two afterwards. Especially since most of them knew how stressful this had been both emotionally and physically for both of you.

Everyone ended the day happy going into the game later that night.

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