Ryan O'Reilly

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I have to work tonight so I'm currently sitting in a Tim Hortons about and hour before I need to go to work. I'm only here for my Ice Capp with a caramel shot (it's heaven and I highly recommend if you have a Timmie's near you.) I also chose to write an imagine yo so enjoy.

Word Count: 1600+

The sun had been beating down for the better part of the day. You finished planting the flowers, all you needed to do was water them.

Your gloves were tucked into your back pocket of your jeans. As you stood up your hand felt the smooth, warm stone and a slight frown tainted your face.

7 years ago

Ryan rubbed the back of his neck feeling awkward. You could tell he was worried about whatever he wanted to ask you.

"What is it Ry?" You asked smiling a little hoping it would make it easier for him.

"Do you want to go to prom with me?" He blurted out as a soft blush tinted his cheeks.

You stared for a moment, not sure why your best friend wanted to take you to prom. "I- uh- sure. I'd love too."

Ryan smiled down at you since he was a few inches taller than you. He pulled you closer and to your surprise kissed you. Right in the middle of the hallway. For a second you were shocked, but then kissed him back. For some reason kissing him just felt right.

NHL Draft; around 7 years ago

You were sitting with your boyfriend of a couple months, who also happened to be your best friend. He had yet to be drafted but you knew he'd go somewhere soon. His family were sitting on the other side of him.

He missed out in going in he first round, which had bummed him out a little bit last night since some scouts believed he would go with the last few picks in the 1st round.

He wasn't too upset when he woke up in the morning. Instead he was chipper and excited as the Colorado Avalanche were prepared to make their choice.

"With the 33rd pick... the Colorado Avalanche select," the man speaking adjusted his microphone. "Ryan O'Reilly."

Ryan stood up at the same time as you, a smile plastered to his face as he wrapped his arms around you. He hugged you tightly from excitement before turning and hugging his parents.

You watched him walk down the steps to recieve a jersey.

6 years ago

"Ryan! Would you stop yelling for one minute and listen!" You said into the phone frustrated. It was already hard enough to deal with school, you didn't have time to deal with his yelling.

"I just miss you," He whispered. "I worry that you'll find someone better than me."

"There's no one replacing you, not anytime soon at least." You joked with him as he calmed down.

He really just became jealous because of a Facebook photo of you and your cousin he never met. He didn't realize you two were relates and instinctively freaked out about it.

"I love you," He whispered barely audible.


ou smiled, "I love you too."

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