Jason Dickinson

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This is short so I apologize. I just had no time to write any of my imagines, especially since I finished my Crawford fanfiction  (check it out sometime yo!) And started my Gallagher one (check it out also!) Hopefully I can find time to write in a couple days when I have a long as school trip! Once again sorry for it being way shorter than usual!

Word Count: 850+

You turned around and checked yourself out in the mirror. You had bought yourself a jersey recently. It was a Texas Stars jersey with Jason's name on the back.

The two of you recently started dating after he moved to Austin, Texas to play hockey for the Texas Stars.

You happened to meet him when he moved in across the hall from you in your apartment building. The hallway that day had been littered with boxes, more and more kept coming up the stairs. To your surprise there was a cute boy moving in across the hall.

He had a Canadian accent which made things better. He was different from all the other Texas guys you had dated. You hadn't realized he would ask you out a week later.

Of course you said yes, how could not say yes? Exactly.

It had been just over two weeks of dating, his team was coming back from a long road trip. Naturally you got tickets to the game and decided to surprise him. They didn't cost as much as you figured they would.

There was the sound of a buzz throughout the apartment, you answered it to let your brother into the building. It was only a couple minutes later that you heard him knock on your apartment door. Quickly you opened the door and let him inside.

You were just finishing the touches on your makeup when your older twin showed up. "Hey there bro!" You turned to him once you finished.

He smiled, "How's things?"

"Great actually! I've missed ya !" You hugged him. "How do ya like Boston?"

"Harvard is fantastic," he praised. "Ready?" He asked you as you grabbed your purse and keys.

Your brother had taken a cab to your apartment, so you were driving the both of you to the game.

"I can't believe you're actually dating a future NHL player," your brother said surprised as the two of you walked towards your car.

You got in and started driving the short distance to the arena, "Neither can I actually."

Since you bought two tickets you thought about inviting your older twin. He loved the Dallas Stars, hopefully he liked the Texas ones too.

"I'm going to have to warn him about what happens if he breaks your heart," your brother playfully joked.

"You absolutely will not embarrass me!" You hit his shoulder and parked the car. "Don't even think about it!"

"Too late Y/N. I already know how to scare him," He playfully smirked and jumped out of the car.

He didn't own a Texas jersey so instead he wore his Seguin one. Proudly, you wore the jersey you bought recently. Jason's. It made you feel happy that you could support him.

The arena was a little busy when you showed up, but you and your brother made it to your seats. They were right behind the Stars bench. You couldn't wait for Jason to see you in his jersey.

The warm ups were about to start, this was really your first hockey game in a long time. The last game you went to was a Dallas game years ago. Somehow you forgot the exciting atmosphere of the game. You sat in your seat, your brother tapped your shoulder. "I'm going to get us drinks and popcorn!" You nodded to show you heard him, and turned when you heard the sound of skates on the ice.

The other team came out first, only by a split second. Then you saw the green jerseys scatter the other side of the ice. It made you smile when you saw the name Dickinson jump onto the ice. You cheered a little and waited for him to make his way to the bench.  

it was a few moment but he eventually was near the bench getting a drink. You sat and smiled, "Jason!" You called out. 

He looked up from where he sat the bottle down, "Y/N!" He smiled genuinely surprised, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to surprise you," you explained. "I know the road trip was tough so I'm here for you now."

He smiled and then noticed the jersey, "You even bought a jersey." He noticed and smiled when you turned to show him the back. "And my jersey to boot!"

"I thought about getting your goalies jersey," You teased. "Then I decided to get yours."

"Well he is a great player," He smiled before turning to another player who was calling him. "I have to go, but I'm really happy you're here!" He skated away after blowing you a kiss.

You pretended to catch it before sitting down. Your brother showed up a minute later handing you a popcorn.

"I miss any mysterious glances between you and Jason?" He joked.

Giving your head a soft shake you smiled, "You didn't miss anything that would have been of interest to you."

As Jason exited the ice from warm-ups he tossed you his stick from the bench. You couldn't help the huge ear-to-ear smile.

It was a momento from the first game you saw him play in.

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