Brendan Gallagher

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I've started changing all the covers on my books. I like having somewhat of a theme on Wattpad so lemme know what you think of the covers!

Don't forget that I put this book in the Wattys! I don't expect to win but every vote counts, so make sure you have voted for every imagine, it only takes a minute :)

Anyways enjoy this somewhat longish imagine.

Word Count: 1600+


Brendan held your hand from where he was sitting. He focused on the road as you followed a car packed with his siblings. Your brother wasn't far behind you both in his own car. Brendan's sisters wanted to get to know you better, so they invited you on a camping trip. Brendan didn't want to leave you alone with them, knowing how uncomfortable you were around people you barely knew, so he invited himself and his brother, along with your brother. He figured 3 girls, 3 boys. Plus 2 of the 6 people you knew.

He noticed his brother stop at a fairly clear opening, not far from the water. It was big enough to fit tents for everyone, and park cars on the outside of the clearing.

You watched as Brendan's family stepped out of their car, stretching for the first time in forever. Brendan smiled at you, "They love you, they just want to get to know you."

Giving him a nod you stepped out of the passenger side and stretched also, cracking your back a little. Sitting in a car for a few hours made your body feel tense and stiff.

You weren't huge on camping, but you didn't mind it. You just preferred a bed and warmth over the ground and the cold. You also liked having a toilet.

Brendan's sisters seemed to be big outdoors people, as well as his brother.

Your brother parked off to the side, closer to Brendan's car then the people he had only met earlier.

Recently you graduated a journalism program at the University of Montréal. It meant you had more free time in the summer then what you were used too. To graduate faster you had done summer programs instead of taking 2 months off, it happened to save you money.

Even with your degree, it was hard to find a job. You currently wrote sports articles for an app called 'Bleacher Report', it was the only work you were able to find thus far.

Having all this free time meant you were able to spend some of it in Vancouver with Brendan. In the 2 years of dating you had never spent a lot of his summer vacation together because of the classes you were taking.

Brendan seemed confident that his sisters really did like you. It helped you feel slightly more sure, you wanted his family to like you. After family was really important to him, and you.

Brendan handed you a cooler that he filled with ice on the last pit stop about an hour ago. It contained mostly beer, there were some pops since not all his siblings were legal drinking age.

"Did you three get properly introduced to my brother?" You asked as you approached Brendan's sisters and brother. His brother nodded but the girls didn't.

You gave a wave of your hand, "He's kind of annoying, but most brothers are. I'm sure Bren bugs the hell out of you both sometimes." You joked.

His sisters laughed and agreed, mentioning Brendan's name really loudly while they walked away causing him to look in your direction suspiciously.

"Well Ryan, meet Brendan's sisters. The younger one is Bree," You motioned to her. "And this is Erin."

They seemed happy to get to know one member of your family, especially since in the year and a half that you and Brendan have been dating he's the only family you'd ever brought around.

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