“I feel horrible if that’s the case. I could only think bad things about her,” Kim said as she leaned into Jared. She had refused to stay at school so Jared brought her along.

            “We all did but we don’t need to dwell on that now. We need to come up with a plan. How long do we have before the Volturi make their decision?” Jacob asked. We all turned to Alice, hoping that she had foreseen something. The grim expression that been on her face after the vision in the lunchroom returned.

            “That’s part of the vision that I didn’t get to explain before you ran out of the room Embry. As for whether they will kill her or not, the decision has not been made since her trial has not been done but it doesn’t look good. We only have a day to travel to Volterra and come up with a plan to let her come back with us,” Alice replied. I spike of fear ran through my veins. A day?!? Would that even be possible?

            “Quite a challenge but not impossible. The Volturi are very proud people. They are powerful and greatly influential. They will not give her to us easily but I may have a way of convincing them. We’ll need to leave immediately,” Carlisle said, nodding his head to Edward who disappeared with Alice and Jasper only to return a few minutes later with a bag each.

            “I’ll call the airport to have our private jet ready and waiting,” Esme said before walking into kitchen.

            “I’m going with you,” I exclaimed coming to stand in front of the group of four. Carlisle and Edward shared a look.

            “Embry, you know very well that you cannot come with us,” Edward replied. I glared at him and my fists clenched at my sides. They’re going to force me to sit here while they go and try to save Lamia?  I don’t think so.

            “And why can’t I? I can’t just sit here while you go off to Italy. It’ll be torture just to sit here and wait for any word of whether or not you failed. I can’t. I won’t do it,” I said shaking slightly. Sam’s hand landed firmly on my shoulder. He didn’t need to speak. I knew he was telling me that I need to calm down.          

            “I know that you want to help and that it’ll be hard but you have to let us handle this. A shape shifter, who the Volturi see as one of their greatest enemies, can’t go into the lair. They’d kill you without a second thought and even so, wouldn’t let us speak with them. Standing here arguing with you about this would be pointless if we get there even a second too late,” Carlisle explained calmly.

            As he spoke, I could feel myself giving in to the idea that I was going to have to remain in Forks and wait with the rest of them. I wasn’t happy about it but he was right. Trying to argue my way into going is only wasting valuable time.

            “Fine but please…just save her,” I replied quietly. Carlisle gave me a reassuring smile and a short nod. Edward and Jasper hugged their siblings and gave a nod to all the pack members before following Carlisle out. Alice stopped by me and laid a cold hand on my hand.

            “Don’t worry Embry. I’m going to do everything in my power to get her back here. I miss have her around,” she said, giving my hand a squeeze before taking off after the guys.

            The others started talking to each other about the things that happened today. I slipped out the front door and sat on the front steps. By the look of the sun, it was already after school. I pulled out the picture from my pocket and looked at it once more. I closed my eyes and let my head fall back with a sigh.

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