That Sunday, the day to mark two months of being in Forks, was spent in my room. The only time I got up was to use the bathroom and to grab some crackers to eat. Anything heavier and my stomach would automatically try to rid it from my system.

         No one came by the house. No one called. Jane, Alec, and Demitri didn’t make an appearance either. I wasn’t really surprised. Jane’s purpose in her existence since meeting me was to make my life miserable and she was doing a damn fine job of it. She’d probably let me rot in my guilt and hurt for another day or so before coming to take me back to Volterra where I’m sure I had a whole cavalry of vampires waiting to suck me dry.

           With that unpleasant thought, my eyes finally gave in to my tired body’s plea and sleep overtook me.

XX 2 Days Later (Tuesday) XX


            I thought that I had reached rock bottom in that dreadful clearing but I was wrong yet again. I woke up this morning completely emotionless. I did something stupid. I don’t really understand why I did it in the first place. I thought it would make it better but it only made it worse. I went to school yesterday.

            Sunday night I had tried to get up some sort of hope back in my life and decided to try to manage to go to school Monday. The normalcy might be good for me. Maybe I would walk into school and think the past weekend had been a horrible nightmare.

            Of course there were differences right off the bat that signaled that this was my new reality. I had to walk to school. Embry’s dark green car nowhere in sight on my barren street. Once I got to school, the Cullens were around their cars but the pack wasn’t in the parking lot. They either had already gone in or didn’t come to school.

            As I weaved in between cars, I couldn’t help the shiver that ran up my spine. At a glance, my assumption was confirmed. The Cullens were watching me. Most of them had guarded expressions but Alice was watching me with concern. I guess I looked as bad as I felt. My hair was in a messy ponytail and my clothes weren’t neat. I made it a point to avoid the mirror this morning, afraid that the bags under my eyes would be very noticeable. I went with the thought “ignorance is bliss”.

            As I walked the hallways, the regular students didn’t pay me much attention. A few of them would look and whisper to their friends as I passed. I only caught a few sentences.

“What happened to her?”

“Where’s Embry?”

“Are they still together?”

            I fought hard to keep the tears out of my eyes. I didn’t need to have a breakdown before my first class even started. I noticed some of the pack congregated over near Embry’s locker. I couldn’t meet the eyes of any of them but I could feel them watching me as I passed, especially the heat of someone in particular’s gaze.

            The rest of the day went by like a blur. None of the Cullens or pack members came up to me at all. In classes, the seats that were usually occupied beside me by one of them were empty or filled with unfamiliar faces. Every time I came out of a class, my heart sank a little more when the familiar sight of Embry waiting for me wasn’t there. At lunch, I grabbed some food and went to the library to eat but it was pointless because my stomach wouldn’t take the food.

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