The Fag Swag {22}

Start from the beginning

                Phillip Brooks walked through, talking casually to Angel and Molly. They came over to the table Kenneth and I were at and sat down. Phil didn’t look at me as he stopped talking. He took a bite of pizza and pretended not to notice me.

                “You were saying something Nick?” Kenneth asked smugly. He reached over the table and took my hand in his.

                “I…I was asking you why,” I said, my voice going small. Phil still had that heartbroken look in his eyes.

                “Why what?” Kenneth asked, giving me big, innocent eyes.

                I cleared my throat. No. No, I wasn’t going to do this to Phil. He didn’t deserve it. Kenneth could tell him the truth, and he could kick my ass. Anything to get that expression off of his face.

                “Why you deleted my accounts? And don’t give me some bullshit lie. I know you stole my passwords,” I growled.

                “I didn’t,” Kenneth said innocently.

                I yanked my hand out of his grip and glared at him. “Stop lying to me! I know you did!” I snapped angrily.

                Phil was watching curiously now. Kenneth blushed lightly and dropped his gaze to the table sadly.

                “I’m sorry Nick. I didn’t mean to upset you,” he said quietly.

                “Stop it!” I cried. “I’m not falling for this again! You’re not going to guilt me into this! I’m not dating you Kenneth. I’m done being pushed around by you. You threatened me into this. You know what? I don’t care anymore. Tell him. See if I give a fuck. You’re creepy and, quite frankly, you scare the hell out of me. I don’t like you. I never will. Piss off, fucknuts.”

                I was breathing heavily by the end of that, my fists clenched tightly and a glare on my face. The guilt of my words was trying to eat at me, but I fought it off. I could feel guilty later. For now, it was time to end this whole thing.

                Kenneth stared at me in shock for a minute. Our entire table was silent. Then Kenneth narrowed his eyes at me and stood up.

                “I loved you Nick. I still do. But fine, have your way. You’re an asshole. You’ve changed a lot since we dated. Fuck. You.” He took the slushie he had and dumped it on my head furiously.

                He cried out in pain as Phil punched him to the ground. Phil stood over him, glaring down at him furiously.

                “Get out of here,” he snarled. “Leave Nick alone.”

                Kenneth scrambled to his feet. He shot us all a dirty look before hurrying back inside. Phil calmly sat back down and sipped on his milk.

                Molly handed me a napkin and I wiped my face with it. “I need to go to the bathroom and clean up,” I mumbled and left the table.

                I went to the boy’s restroom and was, luckily, the only one in there. I turned on the sink and grabbed some paper towels, trying to clean the slushie out of my hair.

                The door creaked open and I mentally sighed. Great. An audience to watch me wash slushie out of my hair. Oh my lanta.

                Phil appeared in the mirror and I jumped and spun around. He grabbed a few paper towels and silently helped me wash the slushie out of my hair.

                “Thanks,” I said quietly once we were done.

                “Why did you say he threatened you?” he asked, throwing out the paper towels.

                “Because he did. He threatened me into the relationship,” I said bitterly.


                “None of your business Phil!” I snapped.

                “Sorry,” he said, that childlike confusion snapping back to his face. I noticed that his face had new cuts on it, and he had a black eye. There was also a deep, nasty-looking cut above his eyebrow. Oh poor Phil.

                “So you never liked him?” Phil asked after a few moments of awkward silence.

                I sighed and shook my head. What the hell? Might as well be honest.

                “No. I never liked him. He’s creepy. I liked you, Phil. I liked you a lot. I hated being with Kenneth when I wanted to be with you. It drove me crazy,” I admitted.

                Phil stepped closer to me and gently traced his fingers on my lips. “I was jealous,” he said quietly. “I was so jealous. But it doesn’t matter now. You’re mine.” The confidence at the end made me grin a little.

                He leaned down and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back just as deeply, wanting him to know I was sorry and that I still cared about him.

                Phil shifted us and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He held me tightly and moved so that my back was against the bathroom wall.

                I bit his bottom lip and he eagerly opened his mouth. My tongue slipped in and battled with his playfully.

                We pulled away after a little. Phil let me drop back to my feet and hugged me, kissing my forehead gently.

                “I take it we’re dating?” I asked, a little breathless.

                “Duh,” he said impatiently.

                “Oh my lanta.” Eh, it was all I could think to say.

                Phil took my hand in his and kissed me again before leading me out of the bathroom. As we walked towards our table, I realized that Phil was still technically falling for the fake me. But I would figure it all out. I would make this relationship honest. I would fix everything and find some way to make it all up to Phil. 

The Fag Swag [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now