The Fag Swag {21}

Start from the beginning

                “Nick, let’s go to your house afterschool,” Kenneth said with a bright smile.

                “Sure,” I grumbled, taking another bite of pizza.

                We ate in silence after that. I refused to talk to Kenneth right now. I was mad at him for threatening me into this, but mostly, I was mad at myself. Why couldn’t I just stand up to Kenneth and end this? Then I could be with Phil!

                Well…Maybe not. I had a feeling that Phillip Brooks would never want to be with me after this. I had hurt him, the look in his eyes made that clear. He was probably done with me forever. Any chance of happiness I had had with him was completely ruined, and it was my fault.

                The bell exploding, startling me out of my thoughts. I got up and dumped my tray in the trash can before hurrying away from Kenneth.

                The rest of the day dragged by until it was time for me to go home. I went to my locker and exchanged a few books before looking around.

                “Molly!” I cried and rushed over to her. “Molly baby, please talk to me,” I begged desperately. She was my best friend, and I needed her.

                Molly crossed her arms and glared at me. She shook her head. “No, Nick. I’m not talking to you until you stand up to Kenneth and fix this fucking mess,” she growled.

                “Molly, I don’t know how to stand up to him,” I said miserably.

                “Well be a big boy and learn!” she snapped. “The whole reason I ever shoved you into Phillip Brooks, and pissed him off at you, was so that this shit would stop happening. So that people would stop taking advantage of you and walking all over you. But you obviously haven’t learned anything, and now you and Phil are both suffering because of it. And you could fix everything if you would just put on your big boy pants and stand up to that creepy mother fucker!”

                She clenched her fists tightly and glared at me harder. “Stand up to him. Until you do, I’m not going to help you. I’m not even going to talk to you. This is all the advice you’re getting from me, Nicholas Bradley. Man up, defend yourself, and fix this.”

                She turned and stormed off without looking back at me. I stared after her in shock. Her words hurt, because I knew she was right. This was my fault, and I needed to learn how to stand up for myself on my own.

                “Nick, let’s go,” Kenneth called, walking over to me.

                He took my hand in his and we walked out to my bus. We sat down together and he smiled and kissed me deeply.

                We got off at my house and I sighed and led him inside. I pulled him into my room before my mom could talk to us. I didn’t want her asking me questions. My relationship with Kenneth was not something I wanted to talk about.

                “Let me get on your computer quick,” he said as I sat on my bed.

                I gulped. “No,” I said firmly. “You’re not deleting my social networking sights. You’re not going through my phone. You’re not deleting my contacts. You’re not controlling my life. That wasn’t part of this, Kenneth. My phone, my computer, and my iPod are all things you’re keeping your hands off of.”

                He stared at me in surprise before glaring. He opened his mouth to say something, but snapped it shut again. He slowly forced a smile onto his face and sat next to me, wrapping an arm around me and nodding.

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