chapter 8

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We were sitting in the living room arguing on what movie to watch.
"¿Qué tal si no vemos una película?," I said (how about we don't a movie at all)
"Well what are we gunna do? "Jess asked.
" I dunno. But since we can't agree on anything we won't watch one at all. "I said. I walked to the couch whwre the boy were at and sat on the floor next to Blake. I leaned my head on his legs and he patted my head.
" What the hell Blake! no soy un perro!! "I exclaimed. He just laughed but didn't say anything. (I'm not a dog) we stay in silence. Like .. It was dead quiet. With us that's not normal. Jess broke the silence.
"I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
It lasted forever
And ended so soon
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky
I was changed" She sang.

"In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry" Me and Hanna sang.

"The moment that I saw you cry
It was late in September
And I've seen you before (and you were)
You were always the cold one
But I was never that sure
You were all by yourself
Staring up at a dark gray sky
I was changed" Alyssa sang.

"In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry
I wanted to hold you
I wanted to make it go away
I wanted to know you
I wanted to make your everything
All right..." Me and Hanna.

"I'll always remember
It was late afternoon
In places no one will find" I sang.

"In places no one will find
All your feelings so deep inside (deep inside)
It was there that I realized
That forever was in your eyes
The moment I saw you cry" Me and the girls finished.
We all looked at each other and smiled. Jess had a glint in her eye. I knew what she was going to do and she knew I knew what she was going to do. We both bolted for my room to find it. I ran to my movie shelf and started searching there. She searched in my closet. I ran into my closet and started looking in there also. My closet was a walk in but I had everything everywhere. Most likely it was in here. I felt something and pulled it. It was the movie but something, or should I say someone, was latched onto it also.
"I FOUND IT!!" We both yelled.
"NO! I FOUND IT FIRST!! NO ME!! OH MY LORD JUST LET GO!! " We both said again but it was no use. We both let go and it fell to the cluttered ground. I picked it up and bolted. I ran like my ass was on fire and Jess was right behind me. Once we reached the living room I held it up and said.
"I found it. The movie we are gunna watch is . ."
"What is A Walk To Remember? " Asked blake.
'Yea what is that. "Zeke said. I gasped dramatically.
" Only the best movie in all time. Literally the song we just sang is from this movie. "
"Well I don't wanna watch some chick flick. " Brandon said. The others agreed. I pouted.
"Fine then let's play hide and seek. It's easy Brandon. All you have to do is hide while I count to ten. "
"Whatever I'm gunna be in the kitchen. " He said.
"That's a good start. But next time you can't tell us where you are hiding. " I smirked. The others laughed.
"Fuck you all. "
"No thanks. I'm good. " I said. Blake laughed. I looked at him. Like really looked at him. Not like I'm checking him out but observing him. He looks happy. Truly happy. I haven't seen that in a while. He has had a hard past. His father left when we were 9 and since he hasn't been the same. But he's changed back to the Blake I know so I know he's getting better. He catches me looking at him and smiles. I motion for him to follow me. I walk into my back porch and sit on the swing. He sits next to me in silence. I think he knows what I want to talk about.
"How are you doing? " I ask
"What do you mean? "
"Like... are you doing better since what happened? "
"Yea. A lot better than I'd thought I'd ever .feel. I always thought I would never get over it ya know. But I'm slowly accepting that he's not coming back. " He said
"Have you heard from him at all? "
"Yeah. He getting married and invited me. "
"When is it? "
"Next week. "
"And are you gunna go. If you do I can go with you. " I said. I'm always up for a party with alcohol.
" Mom said I should but I don't want to. "
"What if one of us go with you? "
"Maybe. If I go can you come with. Your the only one who really kniws what happend, why he really left. "
"Yea. How about you bunk school tomorrow and we can go shopping? Yea"
"Yea. But what are going to tell the others? "
"I don't see why we should lie. "
"Ok. Thank Al. "
"Anytime. Let's go back inside. They probably think we ran away. "
We walked back in to chaos. There was water and food everywhere. i am not even going to yell i am just simply going to wait until they notice how pissed I am. This happenes every damn time I leave for a little bit. They are worse than fucking untrained dogs. I walked into the kitchen grabbed a breakfast stool and put it in the entrance of the living room and sat on it waiting. I crossed my arms I could feel Blake do the same thing behind me but is still standing. I'll just wait.
When they finally saw me and how pissed I was I checked the time. 10: 09. I took them nearly 30 minutes to notice me now I was seething. My jaw hurts from me clenching it so hard.
"esto mejor se limpió ahora. Estoy cansado de irme y volver a un maldito lío. No son malditos niños. Debería poder irme y regresar a una linda habitación limpia. NO ES UN MALDITO. " I growled. (You better clean this up now. i am fucking tired of leaving and coming back to a goddamn mess. you are not fucking children. i should be able to fucking leave and come back to a nice and clean room!) They were all red faced. No one moved.
"NOW! " I yelled. Everyone jumped but started to clean. I walked in to the kitchen and looked for my mom alcohol stash and found it underneath the sink. It's gunna be a long night.

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