chapter 67

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"I'm home. " I say over the intercom. "Blake come a downstairs.
" I already packed our stuff for the trip. And let's go we're leaving. "
"Where are we going? "
"Hold on. Turn around. " I do ad he says and he started to mess with my hair.
"Blake what are you doing? "
"All done. " He says and I go to the mirror. He didn't did a bad job. It almost looks better than the way I did it.

(Picture it in red)

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(Picture it in red)

"Don't underestimate me but come on. "
"Blake where are we going? "
"We're going to pick up a baby. "
"A baby? Whose baby? "
"Your aunt Susie's. Analida. "He answered. Okay then. Oh I forgot to tell you. After all the crap that I went through. Aunt susie had her baby. She named her Analida. Not Analisa. Analida. She's almost three months old. She growing really fast.
" Now come on. "We walk outside and jump into the Jeep.
Blake stops in the driveway. I get out nd open the back door si I can grab the carrier. I pull her out and look at Blake.
" I'm going to the store real quick. "I nid and grab the diaper bag. I close the door.
" Love you. "
"Love you too. " I say as I unlock and open the door. The house is silent si no one is home. I go to my parents living room and set the carrier on the floor. I sit in the couch and pull her out.
"Hi baby girl. You're so cute. " I say in a baby voice. I cradle her in my arms. I sit back and switch on the TV. She sleeps in my arms. Oh my god she's so cute. After about ten minutes pass, the door bell rings. I stand up and move analida so she's laying against my shoulder. I open the door to see someone I thought I'd never see. Kennedy Tate. She's one of my rivals for volleyball. What the hell is she doing here?
"What the hell are you doing here? "
"I came here to warn you. Don't give to UCLA. I got accepted and j am guaranteed a spot on that team. I will not let you take that away from me. "
"You came all the way here to tell me that? Honestly, I don't care what you think. If I wanna go there then I will. Who are you to tell me that I can't go there? " Analida stirred. I shifted her so she was on my other shoulder.
"I'm telling you. If you go to that school, I will make sure your life is a living hell. "
"You can't tell me what school in can and cannot go to! You're not my friend and sure as hell not my mom! " I was getting louder. I walked into the living room so I  could put analida into her carrier. I walked back to where Kennedy still stood.
"Look I'd you give to that school, you will regret it. "
"Why would I? Because some jealous bitch told me not to go to the school and if I did my life would be a living hell. No thanks. I think I will go to that school because 1,its non of your business what school I go to. And 2, I'd do it just out of spite. So thanks for stopping by Kennedy. It was nice seeing you again! " I said with a fake smile and slammed the door in her face. Just for Analida to start crying.
"Wait! So she came here and said that she'd make your life a living hell, if you go to UCLA. " I nod. Hanna growled.
"Woah, Han calm down. " Jess says.
"Can I fight her? " Alyssa asks. I raise my eyebrows and rock Analida back and forth.
"Not if I get to her first. " Taliya mumbles.
"No one is fighting her. Just let it go because I'm not going anyway. I applied to other schools. "
'What do you mean youre not going? "Alyssa said.
"I mean I'm going to a different school. "
"Look we understand that you're done feeling sorry for yourself but you should fight for what you want. "Jess said.
"And you want to go to UCLA. So fight for it. " Hanna said.
"What if I don't wanna go anymore? " I mumbled.
"You wanna go, you just gave up. "Hanna said
"Yes I have, do you not know how many times I have begged to be reconsidered.? A lot. They kept saying no. "
"Why? "Jess asked
"Because I kept getting into fights. "
"You didn't even get into alot of fights. "Taliya said.
" I got into seven fight within the first month if school. Five if them were with you. Two if then were with your minions. Then I got into the fights with the bitches sister at the game. "
"Ok. "
"Yea ok so drop it. " I snap. As my phone starts to ring.
"I'm coming to get Analida. "
"Ok well I'm here. "
I grab her stuff and put it in the duper bag.
"Look were sorry but we don't want you to loose out on you're dream. "
"I know. I am just fine with it though. "
"Why are you leaving me this early? "
"Because. I need this time away. " I look up to see he's taking a picture.

"Why won't you come with me? " I pout

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"Why won't you come with me? " I pout.
"Because I need to stay here and take care of your dog. "
"He can come. "
"I'm not paying for that. "
"Whatever.but come on I gotta get through airport security. " We get out and grab my bags. I hug Blake from behind.
"Te amo. "(I love you) I say.
"Mira."(look) he says. I look up too see he's taking another picture.

"What's with all the pictures

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"What's with all the pictures. "
'I never get pictures of you. It's always the other way around. "
"Whatever. So what are going to do while I'm gone? "
"I have a life you know. "
"How am I suppose to know? All you do is sit in your fat ass. "
"You love this fat ass. "
"Yea sure. That's why I'm leaving for a week. Because I love your fat ass. "
"Whatever. Are you going to be ok without me for the week? "Blake teased.
" Yeah, it's not like we're attached by the hip. "
"I know but come on babygirl, you're gunna miss me. "

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