chapter 16

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(Her outfit) ⬆⬆⬆⬆
It's been a crazy week. My body aches constantly. Cecelia has been real hard on us but thankfully she cancelled practice the day of Blake's fathers wedding. He is excited about that. To say the least I'm not able to cancel on him. I am currently in class thinking of a way to get out of the wedding.
"Miss Gonzales, I assume I am interrupting your thoughts that are on something other than my class. " Mr. Wes, my English teacher said in his British accent. All eyes were on me. So I took advantage naturally.
"De hecho, lo estabas. Ya ves, tu clase realmente me aburre. entonces estaba pensando en cosas que me entretienen." I said. (actually, you see, your class really bores me. so i was thinking of things that entertain me.) The students who could speak Spanish which was most likely all were saying things like 'ooh' and 'burn' I smirked. He smirked back you see these teachers are pretty young. Mid to late 20s early 30s so it's easy to get along with them.
"Oh and don't call me. Miss Gonzales. It makes me sound old. " I added. He smiled
"Well next time pay attention and I won't have to call you out miss Gonzales. "The whole class 'ooh'd'
" Ooh  Blake get your girl. She gunna get in trouble. "Some jock said. I turned and looked at Blake with a smirk. He sits 2 rows down from me. Stupid teacher put us in assigned seats.
" Babe, you better stop. Or your moms gunna yell at me. "
"Ha your scared of my mom. " I said.
"No I'm scared of you dad. " He said
"Hahaha why are you scared of him? " I laughed. Everyone including Mr. Wes  was watch us with amused eyes.
"Well he just threatened me that if I hurt you or let you get in trouble that he will rip off My balls and staple them to my head. " I laughed even harder.
"He won't do that. "
"How do you know that. "
"Well if he hurts you, I hurt him. "
"Actually I should lock him somewhere and torture him. "Blake said.
" Why? "I asked.
" Because he hurt you. "
"Well that's the past and I just wanna move on. With or without him. "
"Wait. What's your dad's name? " Mr. Wes asked.
"José Perez. Why? "
"Is he from Guatemala? "
"He is my childhood best friend. "
"Wait. How old are you? "
"But my dad is 38. How were you friends? "
"He was older by 2 years. And then when he went to high school we lost touch. "
"Well this is awkward. " Everyone laughed at Blake's lame joke.
"Well uncle Wes,  I'm sure he'd want to see you. " I said.
"Don't call me uncle Wes. It makes me sound old. " He relayed back.
"Well next time don't be a friend to someone who has a kid. " I retorted.
Ring ring ring the bell rang. I got up to leave but Mr, Wes had other ideas.
"Alejandra, will you stay back?  Blake too. " We looked at each other and walked to his desk.
"Yes? "
"I would like to meet your father. "
"Ok I could set up a meet then email you. "
"No need here's my number.  Just text me, mi bella sobrina. " I nodded and we walked out.
"I should call now. Will you wait with me? " Blake nodded.
(J=josé a=Alejandra)
J: hola mija.
A: hi papí. ¿Recuerdas a alguien llamado Wes?(Remember someone named Wes?)
J: sí. mi mejor amigo de la infancia. ¿por qué?. (Yeah my childhood best friend. Why? )
A: él es mi profesor de inglés y quiere verte de nuevo.(he is my english teacher and wants to see you again.)
J: tendré que contactarlo. Me gustaría volver a verlo también. (i will have to contact him.i would like to see him again too.)
A: ok tengo que ir a la clase te amo.(ok i have to get to class. love you.)
J: ok te amo adios (ok love you bye)
A: bye.

When I hang up I look at Blake. And you know what I see. I see him kissing Taliya. He pushes her off. But she tries to kiss him again.
"Taliya stop. I don't like you nor will I ever. "He says
" What the hell is going on here? "I ask.
" Ali let me explain. "But I put my hand up so he will shut his mouth.
" No. You shut your mouth. I want this bitch to tell me what's going on. "I said. I was getting more pissed by the second.
" Well he was trying to kiss me but I said that he was dating you. "I cut her off.
" I stood there and saw you throw yourself at him. So don't even try to lie, you backstabbing bitch. "I spat.
" You know what?  I'm done with this conversation. Blake I will see you tomorrow. I don't want you at my house today. "I said and walked away. I was seething. I walked into the music room. It was lunch time so the class was empty. I sat at the piano that they had. I thought for a minute then started to play a song that I liked. Just a game by birdy

I don't know where I am
I don't know this place
Don't recognize anybody
Just the same old empty face
See these people they lie
And I don't know who to believe anymore
But there comes you to keep me safe from harm
There comes you to take me in your arms
Is it just a game?
I don't know
Is it just a game?
I don't know
Pleading eyes that break my heart
So homesick I can't feel
But I know I must play my part
And tears I must conceal
There comes you to keep me safe from harm
There comes you to take me in your arms
Is it just a game?
I don't know
To keep you safe from my bow
Take my hand and my heart races
Flames illuminate our faces
And we're on fire
Blow a kiss to the crowd
They're our only hope now
And now I know my place
And now I know my place
We're all just pieces in their games

When I was done I heard clapping. The whole class was standing in the doorway including the teacher.
"Did the bell ring already? " I ask. The teacher nods.
"We all heard you so we came in. I was taking my class outside and we heard something in here so I came to check. " She said.
"Oh um. " I mumbled.
"Are you in the music class? " She asked. I shook my head.
"You should be your really good. " She said. I shrugged
"I don't know." I said.
"Aren't you the girl with that video on YouTube? " A girl asked.
"What video? " I asked.
"Of you and your friends singing. "
"Yea that's me. " I awkwardly chuckled.
"You should join. Your talented. I think you could take this school to the next level. " The teacher said.
"I assume your the music teacher. " I said. She nodded.
"I'll think about it. " I said as I got up to leave.
"Well my office is right across the Hall if you wanna join or to ask questions or anything. "She said. I nodded.
" Thank you. I think I'mma go home. Thanks again. "I said and walked out. A really hard moment that brought me down turned into something good. In some ways I know I shouldn't be mad at Blake but I'll never know if it's real or if he will push her away. I love him and I know he loves me but if he were to cheat for real,  I know I wouldn't be able to take it. I just hope that I will never have to cross that bridge. I just have to focus on the now and put this behind me because I know it's not his fault.

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